This repository contains a minimum working example for the use of the ramnog suite for creating amnog-like statistical analysis.
To use the ramnog suite it needs to be setup and installed. Because the package also needs some data, there is an additional step involved to download cdisc data from the cdisc pilot data.
You can step through the setup process by checking out different git branches This is the order you should go with:
- the programprereq/get_data.R
will fetch the required data for the example.install
- the programprereq/install.R
will install the ramnog suite of packages.setup
- the programsetup.R
will setup a pipeline in chef (targets).post-setup
- shows the files as you will have them after running the setup
- shows updates to the data functionR/mk_adam_scaffold.R
and package fileR/packages.R
- shows updates to the endpoint definition functionR/mk_endpoint_def.R
- all the updates together so you can play around with a working example.