Rails plugin providing financal accounting models and helpers.
In Rails simply add to your Gemfile:
gem 'has_accounts'
Generate and run migrations
rake has_accounts:install:migrations
rake db:migrate
Seed basic account data
{:name => "current_assets", :title => "Umlaufvermögen"},
{:name => "capital_assets", :title => "Anlagevermögen"},
{:name => "outside_capital", :title => "Fremdkapital"},
{:name => "equity_capital", :title => "Eigenkapital"},
{:name => "costs", :title => "Aufwand"},
{:name => "earnings", :title => "Ertrag"},
Add specific seed depending on the needs of your project, e.g.:
current_assets = AccountType.find_by_name('current_assets')
capital_assets = AccountType.find_by_name('capital_assets')
earnings = AccountType.find_by_name('earnings')
costs = AccountType.find_by_name('costs')
{:code => "1000", :title => "Kasse", :account_type => current_assets},
{:code => "1100", :title => "Debitoren", :account_type => current_assets},
{:code => "3200", :title => "Dienstleistungsertrag", :account_type => earnings},
{:code => "3900", :title => "Debitorenverlust", :account_type => costs},
{:code => "8000", :title => "Ausserordentlicher Ertrag", :account_type => earnings}
A few models are available:
class Booking
class Account
class AccountType
There's also a ready to use module available to attach accountable functionality to existing models.
To use it, simply add the following to your Model:
include HasAccounts::Model
Released under the MIT license.