zouppp is a set of GO modules implements PPPoE and related protocols:
- zouppp/pppoe: PPPoE RFC2516
- zouppp/lcp: PPP/LCP RFC1661; IPCP RFC1332; IPv6CP RFC5072;
- zouppp/pap: PAP RFC1334
- zouppp/chap: CHAP RFC1994
- zouppp/datapath: linux datapath
- zouppp/client: PPPoE Client
- zouppp/client.DHCP6Clnt: DHCPv6 client
note: zouppp focus on client side, a PPPoE/PPP server requires addtional logic/code
The main module implements a PPPoE test client with load testing capability. it could also be used as a starting point to implement your own PPPoE client;
It has following key features:
- Custom VLAN/MAC address without provisioning OS interface (via etherconn)
- Load testing, able to initiate large amount of PPPoE session at the same time
- Option to not creating corresponding PPP TUN interface in OS, e.g. only do control plane processing, this is useful for protocol level only load testing.
- Support BBF PPPoE tag: circuit-id/remote-id
- IPv4, IPv6 and dual-stack
- DHCPv6 over PPP, IA_NA and/or IA_PD
- on interface eth1, create 100 PPPoE session, CHAP, IPv4 only, enable debug logging
zouppp -i eth1 -u testuser -p passwd123 -l debug -v6=false -n 100
- #1 variant, using PAP
zouppp -i eth1 -u testuser -p passwd123 -l debug -v6=false -n 100 -authproto PAP
- #1 variant, using QinQ 100.200
zouppp -i eth1 -u testuser -p passwd123 -l debug -v6=false -n 100 -vlan 100.200
- #3 variant, using custom mac
zouppp -i eth1 -u testuser -p passwd123 -l debug -v6=false -n 100 -vlan 100.200 -mac "aa:bb:cc:11:22:33"
- #1 variant, don't create PPP TUN interface
zouppp -i eth1 -u testuser -p passwd123 -l debug -v6=false -n 100 -apply=false
- #1 variant, each session use different username and password, e.g. first one username is "testuser-0", 2nd one is "testuser-1" ..etc; password following same rule
zouppp -i eth1 -u testuser-@ID -p passwd123-@ID -l debug -v6=false -n 100
- #1 variant, each session add BBF remote-id tag, first session remote-id tag is "remote-id-0", 2nd one is "remote-id-1" ..etc;
zouppp -i eth1 -u testuser -p passwd123 -l debug -v6=false -n 100 -rid remote-id-@id
- #1 variant, use XDP socket;
zouppp -i eth1 -u testuser -p passwd123 -l debug -v6=false -n 100 -xdp
- #1 variant, running DHCPv6 over ppp, requesting IA_NA and IA_PD
zouppp -i eth1 -u testuser -p passwd123 -l debug -n 100 -dhcp6iana -dhcp6iapd
a pppoe testing tool
- apply: if Apply is true, then create a PPP interface with assigned addresses; could be set to false if only to test protocol
- authproto: auth protocol, PAP or CHAP
- cid: BBF circuit-id
- dhcpv6iana: run DHCPv6 over PPP to get an IANA address
- dhcpv6iapd: run DHCPv6 over PPP to get an IAPD prefix
- excludedvlans: a list of excluded VLAN id, apply to all layer of vlans
- i: listening interface name
- interval: amount of time to wait between launching each session
- l: log levl, err|info|debug
- mac: start MAC address
- macstep: MAC step to increase for each client
- n: number of PPPoE clients
- p: PAP/CHAP password
- pppifname: name of PPP interface created after successfully dialing, must contain @ID
- profiling: enable profiling, dev use only
- retry: number of setup retry
- rid: BBF remote-id
- timeout: setup timeout
- u: PAP/CHAP username
- v4: run IPCP
- v6: run IPv6CP
- vlan: start VLAN id, could be Dot1q or QinQ
- vlanstep: VLAN step to increase for each client
- xdp: use XDP to forward packet
-cfgfromfile: load configuration from the specified file
Thanks to shouchan, beside using CLI parameters, a YAML config file could also be used via "-cfgfromfile <conf_file>", the content of YAML is the client.Setup struct