Your dotfiles are how you personalize your system. These are mine.
The main file you'll want to change right off the bat is zsh/zshrc.symlink
which sets up a few paths that'll be different on your particular machine.
is a simple script that installs some dependencies, sets sane OS X
defaults, and so on. Tweak this script, and occasionally run dot
time to time to keep your environment fresh and up-to-date. You can find
this script in bin/
There's a few special files in the hierarchy.
- bin/: Anything in
will get added to your$PATH
and be made available everywhere. - topic/*.zsh: Any files ending in
get loaded into your environment. - topic/path.zsh: Any file named
is loaded first and is expected to setup$PATH
or similar. - topic/completion.zsh: Any file named
is loaded last and is expected to setup autocomplete. - topic/*.symlink: Any files ending in
get symlinked into your$HOME
. This is so you can keep all of those versioned in your dotfiles but still keep those autoloaded files in your home directory. These get symlinked in when you runscript/bootstrap
I forked Ryan Bates' excellent dotfiles for a couple years before the weight of my changes and tweaks inspired me to finally roll my own. But Ryan's dotfiles were an easy way to get into bash customization, and then to jump ship to zsh a bit later. A decent amount of the code in these dotfiles stem or are inspired from Ryan's original project.
I forked Holman's excellent start and then made it private for Corporate reasons.