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File metadata and controls

81 lines (72 loc) · 2.93 KB


ArgHelper provides useful functionalities to parse input stirng[] args.

Input args should be an array of key-value pair: e.g. -key1 value1 -key2 value2. Supported types of value are

  • string
  • double
  • float
  • int
  • enum
  • DateTime
    • yyyyMMdd
    • yyMMdd
    • yyyy/MM/dd
    • yyyy-MM-dd


How to use

  1. Define a class to express the input args.
public class SampleArg
      [ArgAttribute(key: "path", isMandatory: true, description: "sample path")]
      public string Path { get; set; }
      [ArgAttribute(key: "date", isMandatory: true, description: "sample date")]
      public DateTime Date { get; set; }
      [ArgAttribute(key: "doubleValue", isMandatory: true, description: "sample double value")]
      public double DoubleValue { get; set; }
      [ArgAttribute(key: "enumValue", isMandatory: true, description: "sample enum value")]
      public ESampleEnum EnumValue { get; set; }
      [ArgAttribute(key: "optionalArg", isMandatory: false, description: "sample optional arg value")]
      public string OptionalArg { get; set; }

public enum ESampleEnum
  1. Parse input args calling Arg.Build<T>(string[] args).
void Main(string[] args)
      //e.g. args = new[] { "-path", @"D:/arghelper/demo/...", "-date", "20200101", "-doubleValue", "1.0", "-enumValue", "Enum1" };

      SampleArg arg = Arg.Build<SampleArg>(args);
      string path = arg.Path;         //path = @"D:/arghelper/demo/..."
      DateTime date = arg.Date;       //date = new DateTime(2020, 01, 01)
      double value = arg.DoubleValue; //d = 1.0
      ESampleEnum e = arg.EnumValue;  //e = Enum1
      //arg.OptionalArg is an optional and we don't set the value in this example.

Useful function: display descriptions

You can display descriptions of the class which has properties with ArgAttribute attribution with calling Arg.DisplayHelpDescription(Type type) where type should have properties with ArgAttribute.

void Main(string[] args)
      //e.g. args = new[] { "-path", @"D:/arghelper/demo/...", "-date", "20200101", "-doubleValue", "1.0", "-enumValue", "Enum1" }
      +++++ user guide start +++++
        args = -path pathValue -date dateValue -doubleValue doubleValueValue -enumValue enumValueValue
        - mandatory
          -path        : System.String. sample path
          -date        : System.DateTime. sample date
          -doubleValue : System.Double. sample double value
          -enumValue   : Test.ArgHelper.ArgHelperTest+ESampleEnum. sample enum value
        - optional
          -optionalArg : System.String. sample optional arg value
      +++++ user guide end +++++++

Useful function: IsHelp

Arg.IsHelp((string[] args)) function returns the input args include either -help or help or -h or h so that you can call, for example, Arg.DisplayHelpDescription(Type type).