ArgHelper provides useful functionalities to parse input stirng[] args
Input args should be an array of key-value pair: e.g. -key1 value1 -key2 value2
Supported types of value are
- yyyyMMdd
- yyMMdd
- yyyy/MM/dd
- yyyy-MM-dd
- Define a class to express the input args.
public class SampleArg
[ArgAttribute(key: "path", isMandatory: true, description: "sample path")]
public string Path { get; set; }
[ArgAttribute(key: "date", isMandatory: true, description: "sample date")]
public DateTime Date { get; set; }
[ArgAttribute(key: "doubleValue", isMandatory: true, description: "sample double value")]
public double DoubleValue { get; set; }
[ArgAttribute(key: "enumValue", isMandatory: true, description: "sample enum value")]
public ESampleEnum EnumValue { get; set; }
[ArgAttribute(key: "optionalArg", isMandatory: false, description: "sample optional arg value")]
public string OptionalArg { get; set; }
public enum ESampleEnum
- Parse input args calling
Arg.Build<T>(string[] args)
void Main(string[] args)
//e.g. args = new[] { "-path", @"D:/arghelper/demo/...", "-date", "20200101", "-doubleValue", "1.0", "-enumValue", "Enum1" };
SampleArg arg = Arg.Build<SampleArg>(args);
string path = arg.Path; //path = @"D:/arghelper/demo/..."
DateTime date = arg.Date; //date = new DateTime(2020, 01, 01)
double value = arg.DoubleValue; //d = 1.0
ESampleEnum e = arg.EnumValue; //e = Enum1
//arg.OptionalArg is an optional and we don't set the value in this example.
You can display descriptions of the class which has properties with ArgAttribute attribution with calling Arg.DisplayHelpDescription(Type type)
where type should have properties with ArgAttribute.
void Main(string[] args)
//e.g. args = new[] { "-path", @"D:/arghelper/demo/...", "-date", "20200101", "-doubleValue", "1.0", "-enumValue", "Enum1" }
+++++ user guide start +++++
args = -path pathValue -date dateValue -doubleValue doubleValueValue -enumValue enumValueValue
- mandatory
-path : System.String. sample path
-date : System.DateTime. sample date
-doubleValue : System.Double. sample double value
-enumValue : Test.ArgHelper.ArgHelperTest+ESampleEnum. sample enum value
- optional
-optionalArg : System.String. sample optional arg value
+++++ user guide end +++++++
Arg.IsHelp((string[] args))
function returns the input args include either -help
or help
or -h
or h
so that you can call, for example, Arg.DisplayHelpDescription(Type type)