This repo is for v4 of iHRIS. For v5, see
iHRIS is pinned to PHP 7.0 and MySQL 5.5 for the 4.3 release. 4.3-dev includes a fix for it to populate the database with no errors on 5.7.
git clone
cd dockerfiles
docker-compose -f docker-compose.manage.yml up -d
git clone
cd dockerfiles
docker-compose -f docker-compose.manage.demo.yml up -d
Go to http://localhost/manage-demo or http://localhost/manage Accept the popup app that notes that an install will occur. Reload the page for the installation to start. It can take up to 10 minutes. There will be another popup to click to go to the new site. Login as i2ce_admin with pass 'ihris'
This can be automated once the application and database are up:
docker ps
docker exec -it <container hash> bash
cd manage # or cd manage-demo
php index.php --update=1 # run this twice
The iHRIS apps require several configurations. Some are set using for build-time and some during runtime. The database connection string (DSN) is set using an environment variable and can change as needed at runtime.
One Dockerfile can build both blank and demo sites. This is done using build-time variables. See the Dockerfile reference. These variables are only possible to change before build-time and persist.
Both the ARGs and ENVs are set in the example docker-compose files. You can choose the default already in the Dockerfile or override them in docker-compose, other orchestration framework, or at build time on CLI.
Docker networking on Mac and Windows uses a thin VM as Docker uses the Linux kernel. Localhost will be resolved as the VM not the host OS.
One solution is to keep all containers on the same virtual bridge. The docker-compose examples use 'mysql' as the host, which launches a mysql container, and is networked with the iHRIS container on the thin VM network bridge.
If you want to run mysql directly on the host OS and ensure that the iHRIS container can see it, then modify the DSN to use 'host.docker.internal' on Windows or Mac.
- Install mysql. If using Homebrew for macOS, remember to use the MySQL version 5.5 or 5.7 for 4.3-dev. Homebrew has more current releases that are not compatible.
- With MySQL running:
mysql -u root -p
# press enter, homebrew mysql has no root pass set
mysql> create database ihris;
mysql> grant all privileges on ihris.* to ihris@localhost identified by 'ihris';
mysql> exit
- In your my.cnf, add the lines:
- Restart MySQL.
- Clone the repo, build the image, and run a container.
git clone
cd dockerfiles
# one liner
docker build --build-arg MVER=4.3 --build-arg SOFT=ihris-manage --build-arg TYPE=Demo --build-arg SITE=manage-demo --build-arg MCONFIG=iHRIS-Manage-Demo.xml -t ihris-manage-demo .
# or:
docker build \
--build-arg MVER=4.3 \
--build-arg SOFT=ihris-manage \
--build-arg TYPE=Demo \
--build-arg SITE=manage-demo \
--build-arg MCONFIG=iHRIS-Manage-Demo.xml \
-t ihris-manage-demo .
docker run -d -p 80:80 --env DSN="mysql:user=ihris;pass=ihris;host=host.docker.internal;dbname=ihris" ihris-manage-demo
- Memcache: Set
(with :port if not using default port) in order to use a separate Docker container for Memcached. - Generate reports:
php index.php --page=/CustomReports/generate_force
- memcached
- Build env/arg for DSN
- Fix errors in manage-demo
- Single Dockerfile
- Tags builds for Docker hub --
bzr log -r-1 -q | sed -n 2p | awk '{print ($2)}'
- Update when object storage is added to iHRIS
- Use php-fpm container. note: works only with Apache for now