Access Control File functions
libpam, libssl, libsdplus
meson setup build
ninja -C build
Note: tests=enabled disables creating the unmodified pam_ibmacf module
meson setup -Dtests=enabled build
meson configure -Dtests=enabled build
cd build
meson test
Test status should display location of log file to view in depth logs of test
- To test this feature from scratch a private key, public key and ACF are required
- The private key is needed to generate the ACF
- Both the public key and ACF need to be uploaded onto the bmc if not already present
- To generate the ACF the ce_login utility must be built
- Once the corresponding public key and ACF files are uploaded then login can be performed with the service user and the password used during generation of the ACF
- Create the RSA keypair
openssl genrsa -out rsakeys.pem 2048
- Get public key
openssl rsa -in rsakeys.pem -pubout -outform DER -out rsapubkey.der
- Get private key
openssl rsa -in rsakeys.pem -outform DER -out rsaprivkey.der
cd subprojects/ce-login
meson setup -Dlib=false -Dbin=true build
ninja -C build
First get the serial number of the machine you would like to generate the ACF for.
The value can be retrieved from BMC's web interface as such:
Overview page > Server information > Serial number
The value can also be retrieved from the BMC shell with the following command:
busctl get-property xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager /xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset SerialNumber
The --machine argument can either be "x,x,UNSET" or the serial number fetched from the BMC "x,x,123454321"
./celogin_cli create \
--machine 'P10,dev,12345' \
--sourceFileName "none" \
--password "0penBmc" \
--expirationDate "2025-12-25" \
--requestId "1234" \
--pkey ../p10-celogin-lab-pkey.der \
--output ./service.acf
scp ./ACFFile.bin root@BMCIP:/etc/acf/service.acf
scp ./rsapubkey.der root@BMCIP:/etc/acf/ibmacf-dev.key
ssh service@BMCIP
This should be successful.
- Generate a DER encoded keypair
- Generate the ACF file (noting the password used)
- Upload the public key and acf file to the bmc as /etc/acf/ibmacf-dev.key and /etc/acf/service.acf respectively
- Login with one of supported interfaces as the service user
- Enter the password used in the creation of the ACF file
- ACF login inaccessable with non service user
- Login with invalid password
- If only using dev key, set field mode to enabled (busctl set-property xyz.openbmc_project.Software.BMC.Updater /xyz/openbmc_project/software xyz.openbmc_project.Control.FieldMode FieldModeEnabled b 1)
- Upload a mismatched ACF file/public key
- Set a serial number that doesn't match the machines serial number
- Set processing type to invalid value in ACF file
- Set date prior to date on BMC in ACF file
- Set FrameworkEc to invalid value in ACF file