My second coursework for CS132 (Computer Organistion and Architecture). Where we had to get the power set of any set inputted in a program and make a command line editor in C.
Insert the elements you want when prompted, and put a , between each element. otherwise they will be treated as one element
Commands available:
create - Creates a file and overwrites the file if it exists
copy – Copies the content of a file to another
delete – Deletes a file
show – Reads the content of a file
append – Adds a line at the end of the file
deleteLine – Deletes a line of the user choice from a file
insertLine – Inserts a line of the user choice to a file in whichever line they want
showLine – Read a single line from a file
list – List all the contents of the current folder including (includes hidden files and directories)
find – Finds the first occurrence of a word in a file
exit – Closes the program
Commands are case sensitive and need to be written exactly as stated.
They can also be chained together,
for example you can have ./a create show list insertLine exit
This will create a file then read a file then list all the files in the current directory
then insert line to a file and then exits the program.
This code was added here to show my skill of using the C programming language and logical thinking. You are NOT allowed to copy this code for any coursework/graded material unless your direct teachers EXPLICITLY agree to it, if they do you will still have to reference it, if so refer to me as 'Zeyada I.' , and link the github page.