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dgrunwald committed Oct 5, 2009
1 parent 5e232f1 commit 709ba78
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Showing 30 changed files with 1,731 additions and 546 deletions.
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions Documentation/Architecture.aml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<topic id="5d1af8a2-fc1b-4a1b-b6c1-f33fb14bec1f" revisionNumber="1">
<developerConceptualDocument xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
<para>Optional summary abstract</para>
<!-- Uncomment this to generate an outline of the section and sub-section
titles. Specify a numeric value as the inner text to limit it to
a specific number of sub-topics when creating the outline. Specify
zero (0) to limit it to top-level sections only. -->
<!-- <autoOutline /> -->
<mediaLink><image xlink:href="NamespaceDependencies" placement="center"/></mediaLink>
<para>As you can see in this dependency graph, AvalonEdit consists of a few
sub-namespaces that have cleanly separated jobs.
Most of the namespaces have a kind of 'main' class.</para>
<para>Here is the visual tree of the TextEditor control:</para>
<mediaLink><image xlink:href="VisualTree" placement="center"/></mediaLink>
<para>It's important to understand that AvalonEdit is a composite control
with the three layers:
<codeEntityReference>T:ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.TextEditor</codeEntityReference> (main control),
<codeEntityReference>T:ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.Editing.TextArea</codeEntityReference> (editing),
<codeEntityReference>T:ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.Rendering.TextView</codeEntityReference> (rendering).
While the main control provides some convenience methods for common tasks,
for most advanced features you have to work directly with the inner controls.
You can access them using <codeInline>textEditor.TextArea</codeInline> or
133 changes: 133 additions & 0 deletions Documentation/Code Completion.aml
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@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<topic id="47c58b63-f30c-4290-a2f2-881d21227446" revisionNumber="1">
<developerConceptualDocument xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
AvalonEdit comes with a code completion drop down window.
You only have to handle the text entering events to determine
when you want to show the window; all the UI is already done for you.
<title>Usage of the Code Completion Window</title>
<code language="cs">
// in the constructor:
textEditor.TextArea.TextEntering += textEditor_TextArea_TextEntering;
textEditor.TextArea.TextEntered += textEditor_TextArea_TextEntered;

CompletionWindow completionWindow;

void textEditor_TextArea_TextEntered(object sender, TextCompositionEventArgs e)
if (e.Text == ".") {
// Open code completion after the user has pressed dot:
completionWindow = new CompletionWindow(textEditor.TextArea);
IList&lt;ICompletionData&gt; data = completionWindow.CompletionList.CompletionData;
data.Add(new MyCompletionData("Item1"));
data.Add(new MyCompletionData("Item2"));
data.Add(new MyCompletionData("Item3"));
completionWindow.Closed += delegate {
completionWindow = null;

void textEditor_TextArea_TextEntering(object sender, TextCompositionEventArgs e)
if (e.Text.Length > 0 &amp;&amp; completionWindow != null) {
if (!char.IsLetterOrDigit(e.Text[0])) {
// Whenever a non-letter is typed while the completion window is open,
// insert the currently selected element.
// Do not set e.Handled=true.
// We still want to insert the character that was typed.
This code will open the code completion window whenever '.' is pressed.
By default, the
only handles key presses like Tab and Enter to insert the currently
selected item. To also make it complete when keys like '.' or ';' are pressed,
we attach another handler to the <codeInline>TextEntering</codeInline> event
and tell the completion window to insert the selected item.
The <codeInline>CompletionWindow</codeInline> will actually never have
focus - instead, it hijacks
the WPF keyboard input events on the text area and passes them through its
This allows selecting entries in the completion list using the
keyboard and normal typing in the editor at the same time.
Here is the implementation of the MyCompletionData class used in the code above:
<code language="cs">
/// Implements AvalonEdit ICompletionData interface to provide the entries in the
/// completion drop down.
public class MyCompletionData : ICompletionData
public MyCompletionData(string text)
this.Text = text;

public System.Windows.Media.ImageSource Image {
get { return null; }

public string Text { get; private set; }

// Use this property if you want to show a fancy UIElement in the list.
public object Content {
get { return this.Text; }

public object Description {
get { return "Description for " + this.Text; }

public void Complete(TextArea textArea, ISegment completionSegment,
EventArgs insertionRequestEventArgs)
textArea.Document.Replace(completionSegment, this.Text);
Both the content and the description shown may be any content acceptable in WPF,
including custom UIElements.
You may also implement custom logic in the <codeInline>Complete</codeInline>
method if you want to do more than simply inserting the text.
The <codeInline>insertionRequestEventArgs</codeInline> can help decide which
kind of insertion the user wants - depending on how the insertion was triggered,
it is an instance of <codeInline>TextCompositionEventArgs</codeInline>,
<codeInline>KeyEventArgs</codeInline> or <codeInline>MouseEventArgs</codeInline>.
<title>Code Completion for C#</title>
Full C# code completion is not in the scope of AvalonEdit.
You will need a C# parser, a C# type system, and the ability
to resolve C# expressions in your type system.
If you want to learn how this is handled in SharpDevelop, please
<linkText>Code Completion in SharpDevelop</linkText>
175 changes: 175 additions & 0 deletions Documentation/Coordinate Systems.aml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<topic id="5b1854b4-884c-4713-b921-b28e96a1b43e" revisionNumber="1">
<developerConceptualDocument xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
<para>Optional summary abstract</para>
<!-- Uncomment this to generate an outline of the section and sub-section
titles. Specify a numeric value as the inner text to limit it to
a specific number of sub-topics when creating the outline. Specify
zero (0) to limit it to top-level sections only. -->
<!-- <autoOutline /> -->
<para>The text editor makes use of several different coordinate systems.
Here's an explanation of them.</para>
<!-- Add one or more top-level section elements. These are collapsible.
If using <autoOutline /> tag, add an address attribute to identify
it so that it can be jumped to with a hyperlink. -->
<para>In AvalonEdit, an index into the document is called an <newTerm>offset</newTerm>.</para>
Offsets usually represent the position between two characters.
The first offset at the start of the document is 0;
the offset after the first char in the document is 1.
The last valid offset is <codeInline>document.TextLength</codeInline>,
representing the end of the document.
This is exactly the same as the <codeInline>index</codeInline> parameter
used by methods in the .NET String or StringBuilder classes.
<codeEntityReference qualifyHint="true">T:ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.Document.TextLocation</codeEntityReference>
struct represents a Line/Column pair. Line and column are counted from 1.</para>
<para>The document provides the methods
<codeEntityReference qualifyHint="true">M:ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.Document.TextDocument.GetLocation(System.Int32)</codeEntityReference>
<codeEntityReference qualifyHint="true">M:ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.Document.TextDocument.GetOffset(ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.Document.TextLocation)</codeEntityReference>
to convert between offsets and <codeInline>TextLocation</codeInline>s.</para>
<para>If you are working with the text editor, you will likely run into the problem
that you need to store an offset, but want it to adjust automatically whenever
text is inserted prior to that offset. </para>
<para>Sure, you could listen to the TextDocument.Changed event and call
GetNewOffset on the DocumentChangeEventArgs to translate the offset,
but that gets tedious; especially when your object is short-lived and you
have to deal with deregistering the event handler at the correct point of time.</para>
<para>A text anchor object stores an Offset, but automatically
updates the offset when text is inserted/removed before the offset.
A much simpler solution is to use the
<codeEntityReference qualifyHint="true">T:ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.Document.TextAnchor</codeEntityReference>
Please take a look at the documentation for that class for more details.
<para>An offset in the document, but relative to the start offset of a <codeEntityReference>T:ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.Rendering.VisualLine</codeEntityReference>.</para>
<para>Relative text offsets are used to store document offsets in visual lines.</para>
<para>You can convert between relative text offsets and document offsets
by adding/subtracting
<codeEntityReference qualifyHint="true">P:ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.Rendering.VisualLine.FirstDocumentLine</codeEntityReference>.<codeEntityReference>P:ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.Document.DocumentLine.Offset</codeEntityReference>.
<para>An integer value that specifies a position inside a VisualLine.</para>
Not only text has a length in the visual line, but also other VisualLineElements.
VisualColumn is counting from 0 for each visual line.
<para>For example, tab markers take 2 visual columns (the marker and the tab space),
newline markers take 1 visual column; folding markers take just 1 visual column
even though they are longer in the document text.</para>
<para>Use the
<codeEntityReference qualifyHint="true">M:ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.Rendering.VisualLine.GetVisualColumn(System.Int32)</codeEntityReference>
<codeEntityReference qualifyHint="true">M:ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.Rendering.VisualLine.GetRelativeOffset(System.Int32)</codeEntityReference>
methods to convert between
visual columns and relative text offsets.</para>
<alert class="note">
<para>Do not confuse VisualColumn with text columns.
VisualColumn starts at 0, text column at 1. Text may have different length
in the two coordinate systems (e.g. tab markers, foldings).</para>
<para>A Line,Column,VisualColumn triple.</para>
<para>The <codeEntityReference qualifyHint="true">T:ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.TextViewPosition</codeEntityReference>
struct can be implicitly converted
to <codeEntityReference qualifyHint="false">T:ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.Document.TextLocation</codeEntityReference>,
but has the additional VisualColumn information
that is necessary to accurately hold the caret position when
VisualLineElements with DocumentLength 0 are in use.</para>
<para>A double value that specifies the distance from the top of
the document to the top of a line measured in device-independent pixels.</para>
<para>VisualTop is equivalent to the Y component of a VisualPosition.</para>
<para>A Point value (double X,Y) that specifies the position of an
element from the top left document corner measured in device-independent pixels.</para>
<para>To convert a VisualPosition to or from a (mouse) position inside
the TextView, simply subtract or add
<codeEntityReference qualifyHint="true">P:ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.Rendering.TextView.ScrollOffset</codeEntityReference>
to it.
<!-- One or more of the following:
- A local link
- An external link
- A code entity reference
<link xlink:href="Other Topic's ID"/>
<link xlink:href="Other Topic's ID">Link inner text</link>
<linkText>Link text</linkText>
<linkAlternateText>Optional alternate link text</linkAlternateText>
<codeEntityReference>API member ID</codeEntityReference>
<link xlink:href="00e97994-e9e6-46e0-b420-5be86b2f8270" />
<link xlink:href="00e97994-e9e6-46e0-b420-5be86b2f8278">Some other topic</link>
<linkText>SHFB on CodePlex</linkText>
<linkAlternateText>Go to CodePlex</linkAlternateText>

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