ILSpy 3.2 Beta
4113 commits
to master
since this release
The Visual Studio addin beta is only available here, not on the marketplace - it has been completely rewritten, please test the "Open in ILSpy" feature extensively (works on project explorer nodes such as references and Nuget packages as well as inside the text editor).
New Language Features
- C# 4.0 Dynamic binding
- C# 4.0 Named arguments
- C# 7.0 Tuple types
- C# 7.3 Attributes on backing fields of properties
Improved Pattern Detection
- C# 1.x switch-on-string
- Compound assignments for user-defined operators
Improvements in TypeSystem
- Distinguish between unkown type and no type.
- Dead code removal
- Rewrite of ILSpy.AddIn
- Search results now use a ListView with two columns, search results can be sorted by clicking on the header.
- Updated pattern detection for changes in Roslyn 2.8
- Upgrade to Mono.Cecil 0.10.0
- Various smaller bug fixes and stability improvements