ILSpy 8.1
ILSpy 8.x is based on .NET 6.0 compared to .NET Framework 4.7.2 for the previous generations of ILSpy. All artifacts except the self-contained distribution are built framework-dependent, which means .NET 6.0.2 must be installed prior to starting ILSpy.
New Language Features
- C# 11 checked operators
- C# 11 unsigned right shift operator
- C# 11 UTF8 string literals
- C# 11 numeric IntPtr
- C# 11 ref fields and scoped
- mcs 2.6.4 pinned regions
- Updated pattern-detection for Roslyn 4.6.0
- Copy clipboard with full syntax-highlighting (#3045 by @ltrzesniewski)
- Fix sequence-points on expression-bodied members (#3032 by @KirillOsenkov)
- Fix annotations on nested type references (#3030 by @ltrzesniewski)
- Add clipboard-related context menu to resources tables (#3024 by @miloush)
- Fix decompilation of record with missing base type (#3021 by @andrewcrawley)
- Add support for mcs 2.6.4 pinned regions (#3015 by @ElektroKill)
- Improvements in CustomDebugInformation metadata table (#2799 by @fowl2)
- Fix ArgumentOutOfRangeException on unexpected file in GAC (#2960 by @ificator)
- Support for compound-assignments on pointers (by @ElektroKill)
- Added a search box for resource tables (by @miloush)
- Default update check for dotnet tool ilspycmd (#3035). Use --disable-updatecheck in automation scenarios.
- VS 2022 extension ships with both x64 and ARM64 binaries (#3009)
- Added ARM64 binaries and ARM64 installer downloads
- WholeProjectDecompiler: Improve resources -> resx conversion
- Improve decompilation of compound-assignments involving local variables
- Refactor ILReader to support re-imports of basic blocks (#901)
Bug fixes
- #2891: Populate framework_dirs with the correct values depending on the current host runtime.
And many other fixes, for a full list click here.