This is the term project of CENG713 Evolutionary Computing course. I tried to reimplement the research conducted in the paper "Slice as an Evolutionary Service: Genetic Optimization for Inter-Slice Resource Management in 5G Networks", which can be found in the papers folder as main.pdf. To run the program on a Unix machine, run:
./main n c1 c2 u1 u2
n = number of experiment
c1 = cost of slice type 1
c2 = cost of slice type 2
u1 = utility of slice type 1
u2 = utility of slice type 2
The experiment results will be reported in a file expn_report.txt, where n is the experiment number. The Poisson and exponential distribution parameters are #define'd in the main.cpp files. If you want to try with different parameters, change those values, recompile and rerun the program.