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Dmitrii Ivanov edited this page Jan 31, 2019 · 1 revision


ZipLib is a lightweight C++11 library for working with ZIP archives with ease. The very useful feature of ZipLib is that it is built around STL streams, no additional dependencies (boost) are required.


  • Copression/decompresion using the DEFLATE algorithm
  • Storing/fetching files without compression
  • Adding, editing and removing files and directories in the archive
  • Support of the data descriptor
  • Data flow is driven via STL streams, therefore there is no need to load huge amount of data into the memory
  • Support of PKWare encryption
  • Support of entry comments and archive comments
  • Contains very usable stream classes in ZipLib/streams like memory stream, substream or teestream
  • Contains functions for easy (de)serialization (ZipLib/streams/serialization.h)
  • Project is using only C++11 standard libraries, therefore there IS NO dependency on 3rd party libraries (except of included zlib, which uses standard libraries of C afterall :))
  • Built around STL smart pointers
  • Support of Windows and Linux

Example of usage

Adding, extracting and removing file using ZipFile wrapper

  const char* zipFilename = "";
  ZipFile::AddFile(zipFilename, "file.txt");

  // there is no need to create folders in the archive separately, because they are part of the filename
  ZipFile::AddEncryptedFile(zipFilename, "fileOnDisk.txt", "destination/in/archive.txt", "password");

  ZipFile::ExtractFile(zipFilename, "file.txt", "newFileOnDisk.txt");

  ZipFile::ExtractEncryptedFile(zipFilename, "destination/in/archive.txt", "encrypted.txt", "password");

  // because folders are part of the filename (until they are not created separately),
  // the "destination" and "in" folders are deleted too
  ZipFile::RemoveEntry(zipFilename, "destination/in/archive.txt");

Very basic sample of a file compression

  ZipArchive::Ptr archive = ZipFile::Open("");

  ZipArchiveEntry::Ptr entry = archive->CreateEntry("file.dat");

  // if entry is nullptr, it means the file already exists in the archive
  assert(entry != nullptr); 

  std::ifstream contentStream("file.dat", std::ios::binary); //should not be destroyed before archive is written

  // you may of course save it somewhere else
  // note: the contentStream is pumped when the archive is saved
  // if you want to read the stream before saving of the archive,
  // it is need to set Immediate mode in SetCompressionStream method (see below)
  ZipFile::SaveAndClose(archive, "");

  // If you want to use std::ostream interface for custom purposes
  // such as sending data over network, where no seek() operation possible
  // or you want to remove unnecessary seek operations on HDD
  // mark entry to use data descriptor for pure streamed operation
  // see
  // entry->UseDataDescriptor(true); 
  // archive->WriteToStream(std::ostream);

Very basic sample of a file decompression

  ZipArchive::Ptr archive = ZipFile::Open("");

  ZipArchiveEntry::Ptr entry = archive->GetEntry("file.txt");

  // if the entry is password protected, it is necessary
  // to set the password before getting a decompression stream
  if (entry->IsPasswordProtected())
    // when decompressing an encrypted entry
    // there is no need to specify the use of data descriptor
    // (ZibLib will deduce if the data descriptor was used)

  // if the entry is password protected and the provided password is wrong
  // (or none is provided) the return value will be nullptr
  std::istream* decompressStream = entry->GetDecompressionStream();

  std::string line;
  std::getline(*decompressStream, line);

  printf("First line of a file: '%s'\n", line.c_str());

Compressing a file with immediate mode

  auto archive = ZipFile::Open("");

  auto entry = archive->CreateEntry("file.dat");

  // if entry is nullptr, it means the file already exists in the archive
  assert(entry != nullptr); 
    std::ifstream contentStream("file.dat", std::ios::binary); 
    entry->SetCompressionStream(   // data from contentStream are pumped here (into the memory)

    // the contentStream is destroyed here

  ZipFile::SaveAndClose(archive, "");

Compress and encrypt the memory stream

  char buffer[] = "A content to encrypt";
  imemstream contentStream(buffer); // imemstream is located in Source/ZipLib/streams

  auto archive = ZipFile::Open("");
  auto entry = archive->CreateEntry("file.dat");
  entry->UseDataDescriptor(); // read stream only once

  ZipFile::SaveAndClose(archive, "");

You may find more samples in the Source/Sample/Main.cpp file.

Description of compression

You may specify several options how the input stream will be stored in the archive.

Compression method

Second (optional) parameter of the ZipArchiveEntry::SetCompressionStream method. Default value is Deflate.

  • Deflate - a standard compression algorithm used for ZIP archives
  • Stored - no compression

Compression level

Third (optional) parameter of the ZipArchiveEntry::SetCompressionStream method. Default value is Default.

  • Stored - data from the input stream will not be compressed
  • BestSpeed - data will be compressed with respect to the speed
  • Default - data will be compressed with satisfying time/compression ratio
  • BestCompression - data will be compressed with respect to the compression

Compression mode

Fourth (optional) parameter of the ZipArchiveEntry::SetCompressionStream method. Default value is Deferred.

  • Deferred - the data is compressed when the ZIP archive is about to be saved. In other words, the stream instance of input data to be stored must exist when the ZIP archive will be saved. The advantage of deferred compression mode is that the compressed data needs not to be loaded into the memory, because they are streamed into the final output stream.
  • Immediate - the data is compressed immediately into the memory buffer. It is not recommended to use this method for large files. The advantage of immediate mode is that the input stream can be destroyed (i.e. by scope) even before the ZIP archive is saved.


You may set the password with the ZipArchiveEntry::SetPassword method. Entry is not password protected by default.

  • The structure of ZIP archive allows you to protect some specific file entries in the ZIP archive and some not
  • If you want the whole ZIP archive to be password protected, you must set the password on each entry you add
  • If you want to add the password protected file entry using the immediate mode, it is needed to set password before the SetCompressionStream call
  • If you want to add the password protected file entry using the deferred mode, it is needed to set password before saving the archive

Data descriptor

You may force the use of the data descriptor with ZipArchiveEntry::UseDataDescriptor method.

In short: usage of data descriptor when encrypting the entry leads to the faster compression, because the input stream is read only once, but there may be compatibility issues with very old applications.

Explanation: Data descriptor is small chunk of information written after the compressed data. It is most useful when storing a password protected entries. When the password protected entry does not use it, the CRC32 value of the data is required before encryption of the file data begins (it is used for checking of the correct password when decrypting), which means the stream must be read in its entirety to compute the actual CRC32 before proceeding and then be read again to actually store data.

If the data descriptor is used, the "last write time" attribute of the entry is used for checking of the correct password, therefore the stream content will be processed only once and the CRC32 is written after the compressed data.

Note1: when you use CompressionMethod::Stored, the CompressionLevel::Stored is set automatically and vice versa.

Note2: data descriptor is not set by default