Elegant way to gracefully handle SIGTERM signal in Laravel 5.3 queue worker. In Laravel >=5.4 this issue is beautifully handled.
Via Composer
$ composer require iivannov/elegant-laravel-worker
To replace the default Queue Worker with this one, you need to add the ElegantWorkerServiceProvider class to the providers array in your config\app.php
'providers' => [
Gracefully stop a Queue Worker by using SIGTERM signal.
There are many cases that will require to restart the worker.
- start/stop workers when auto-scaling
- temporarily stop the execution of tasks
- reloading supervisor (or another monitoring tool) configuration
When SIGTERM is received by the Worker it interrupts immediately the currently processed job, which may break your application by not letting the job finish leading to unexpected results.
When SIGTERM is received by the Worker it will wait for the currently processed job to finish and then will exit gracefully.
- Interrupting long running jobs executing consecutive interrelated tasks
- Interrupting in the middle of a DB transaction causing a deadlock
- Prevent repeating the execution of a an interrupted job when it is picked up again by a Worker