This project is not dead. ProseMirror's core packages change extremely infrequently; including bug fixes.
Commit-based collaborative editing plugin for ProseMirror.
This solves two key problems with prosemirror-collab
through server-side
rebasing without the use of CRDTs:
- Throughput: 200 active clients per 1s of commit delay is feasible depending on backend implementation and edit characteristics.
- Fairness: Users with high latencies will not have their edits blocked by users with low latencies. This will greatly smooth the collab experience on documents with high levels of concurrent edits.
The performance issues with prosemirror-collab
and how this plugin solves them
are written about in ProseMirror Collab Performance.
Abridged usage examples that should be familar to those who have used prosemirror-collab
As with prosemirror-collab
the actual backend implementation is left to the
developer. TODO: Implement
indicates code the implementor must write.
Client Send Commit
import { collab, sendableCommit } from "@stepwisehq/prosemirror-collab-commit/collab-commit"
const state = EditorState.create({schema}, {plugins: [collab()]})
//Some edits later...
const commit = sendableCommit(state)
await sendCommitToServer(commit.toJSON()) // TODO: Implement
Client Receive Commit
import { receiveCommitTransaction } from "@stepwisehq/prosemirror-collab-commit/collab-commit"
const commitJson = await fetchNextCommitFromServer() // TODO: Implement
const commit = Commit.FromJSON(state.schema, commitJson)
const tr = receiveCommitTransaction(state, commit)
state = state.apply(tr)
Authority Map Commit
import { applyCommitJSON } from "@stepwisehq/prosemirror-collab-commit/apply-commit"
const newCommitJson = await getCommitsFromClient() // TODO: Implement
const version = await getDocumentVersion() // TODO: Implement
const doc = await getDocument() // TODO: Implement
const newCommits = await getDocumentCommitsSince(commitJson.version) // TODO: Implement
const schemaSpec = await getSchemaSpec() // TODO: Implement
const schema = new Schema(schemaSpec)
const {docJson, commitJson} = applyCommitJSON(version, schema, doc, newCommits, newCommitJson)
await saveDocument(docJson) // TODO: Implement
await broadcastCommit(commitJson) // TODO: Implement