This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get your application up and running.
This repo is contains multiple conky themes tweaked for any machine running Ubuntu 16.04.
- Conky
- Poky Font
- lm-sensors
- hddtemp
- curl
- dmidecode
Install Conky, Lmsensors, Hddtemp, Curl and Dmidecode
Run in terminal:
sudo apt-get install lm-sensors hddtemp curl conky-all dmidecode conky-manager
- After installing above packages you need to change permission files and directories associated with hddtemp and dmidecode packages. Otherwise hdd tempeture, main-board info and tempeture won't work. Run this in terminal:
sudo chmod u+s /usr/sbin/hddtemp; sudo chmod u+s /usr/sbin/dmidecode
Clone project to your ~/.conky folder
Run conky manager and select Seamod and Gotham config files.
Access the bin folder
Run in terminal:
sudo chmod u+x; ./
Install STYLBCC and Poky Fonts
Add the file to startup applications.
Repo owner email : makhanusinja(at)