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πŸ§ͺ pytest (via 🎭 Poetry) #23

πŸ§ͺ pytest (via 🎭 Poetry)

πŸ§ͺ pytest (via 🎭 Poetry) #23

Workflow file for this run

## action file inspired by
name: πŸ§ͺ pytest (via 🎭 Poetry)
- master
- run-pytest*
- py3-pytest*
- "*-[0-9]+.*"
- master
- devel
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
name: πŸ“₯ Checkout repo
- name: πŸ—ƒ Cache πŸ“¦ APT Packages
uses: awalsh128/[email protected]
packages: xmlstarlet
version: 1.0
# If you wanted to use multiple Python versions, you'd have specify a
# matrix in the job and reference the matrix python version here.
- name: 🐍 Set up Python
uses: actions/[email protected]
python-version: "3.10"
# Cache the installation of Poetry itself, e.g. the next step. This
# prevents the workflow from installing Poetry every time, which can be
# slow. Note the use of the Poetry version number in the cache key, and
# the "-0" suffix: this allows you to invalidate the cache manually
# if/when you want to upgrade Poetry, or if something goes wrong (could be
# done mildly cleaner by using an environment variable).
- name: πŸ—ƒ Cache 🎭 Poetry install
uses: actions/cache@v4
path: ~/.local
key: poetry-1.8.2-0
# Install Poetry. You could do this manually, or there are several actions
# that do this. `snok/install-poetry` seems to be minimal yet complete,
# and really just calls out to Poetry's default install script, which
# feels correct. I pin the Poetry version here because Poetry does
# occasionally change APIs between versions and I don't want my actions to
# break if it does.
# The key configuration value here is `virtualenvs-in-project: true`: this
# creates the venv as a `.venv` in your testing directory, which allows
# the next step to easily cache it.
- name: πŸ”©πŸ”§ Install 🎭 Poetry
uses: snok/install-poetry@v1
version: 1.8.2
virtualenvs-create: true
virtualenvs-in-project: true
# Cache your dependencies (i.e. all the stuff in your `pyproject.toml`).
# Note the cache key: if you're using multiple Python versions, or
# multiple OSes, you'd need to include them in the cache key. I'm not, so
# it can be simple and just depend on the poetry.lock.
- name: πŸ—ƒ Cache 🧾 Dependencies
id: cache-deps
uses: actions/cache@v4
path: .venv
key: pydeps-${{ hashFiles('**/poetry.lock') }}
- name: 🎭 Install Poetry dynamic-versioning πŸ”Œ plugin
run: poetry self add "poetry-dynamic-versioning[plugin]"
# Install dependencies. `--no-root` means "install all dependencies but
# not the project itself", which is what you want to avoid caching _your_
# code. The `if` statement ensures this only runs on a cache miss.
- name: 🎭 Install 🧾 Dependencies
run: scripts/ install --no-interaction --no-root
if: steps.cache-deps.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
# Now install _your_ project. This isn't necessary for many types of
# projects -- particularly things like Django apps don't need this. But
# it's a good idea since it fully-exercises the pyproject.toml and makes
# that if you add things like console-scripts at some point that they'll
# be installed and working.
- name: 🎭 Install πŸ›– project
run: scripts/ install --no-interaction
# And finally run the tests.
- name: πŸ§ͺ🎭 Run Tests
run: scripts/ run pytest --color=yes --cov --cov-report=xml -vv
- name: πŸ“€ Upload πŸ“Š coverage reports to β˜‚ Codecov
uses: codecov/codecov-action@v5
token: ${{ secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN }}