Note: This project is discontinued! See the GSvar documentation for details how we build a IGV genome based on Ensembl now.
A IGV reference genome annotated with Ensembl gene/transcript info.
- Python 3
- Linux x64
for JSON format
Since IGV version 2.11.0 a new genome file format based on JSON is supported (
The script
creates a genome file in this format. Additional it downloads all linked data sources to the local storage and updates the gene names of included gff3 with the current HGNC symbol.
To run the python script itself:
python3 template.json hgnc_complete_set.tsv output_genome.json
To get extended help:
python3 -h
To generate a genome file for GRCh38 with ensembl gene annotation:
make create_json_GRCh38
The tool takes a gff3 file with Ensembl annotations and converts it into a genePred file. Then it uses the HGNC ids in the gff3 file to annotate the genes/transcripts with the correct names (from the HGNC file). After that the genePred file is modified to fit the requirements of IGV. In the last step the gene file in the reference genome file is replaced.
To convert the gff3 file to genePred the tool gff3ToGenePred
from is used (which is automatically downloaded on runtime).
To run the python script itself:
python [-h] gff_file hgnc_file genome_file output
To get extended help:
python -h
To download all required data and run the tool:
make convert_GRCh37
make convert_GRCh38
This generates a .genome file called GRCh37_ensembl.genome
which can be imported into IGV via Genomes
-> Load Genome from file...