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Running load\performance test

Kevin Wooten edited this page Oct 3, 2019 · 2 revisions


Jesper Pedersen created some cool PostgreSQL tools, a couple of them (SQLLoadGenerator & Replay) have been co-opted & modified for easy performance testing and comparison of drivers.

A temporary branch, load_test, has been created that has the tools in the build along with a standard testing profile (i.e. data).


Replay is the tool for replaying data generated by SQLLoadGenerator at the end of its run it prints timing information. The Replay in the load_test branch has been modified to create a database from a source template, analyze it, and then replay the generated profile. The source template database is always named as the original with the _src suffix (e.g. <target-db>_src).

Replay's "replaying" when targeting a database named "mytest" and superuser "myuser":

  • Drops target database (e.g. DROP DATABASE mytest IF EXISTS)
  • Creates target database from template (CREATE DATABASE mytest WITH TEMPLATE mytest_src OWNER myuser)
  • Replays profile data


Replay stores its configuration in a that needs to be in the current working directory. The url, user & password must be present.


Replay drops and creates databases so it essentially requires a superuser account to run correctly. The checked-in properties use pgjdbc/test but these can be changed in


The source template database needs to be created and filled with initial data using. All of this is contained in the load_test branch's directory.

cd tools
psql -c "CREATE DATABASE loadtest_src"
psql -f std/ddl.sql loadtest_src
psql -f std/data.sql loadtest_src

Load Test Execution

After building the project (e.g. ./gradlew build -x test) an application distribution will be in the tools/build/distribution directory.

To execute the load test using the standard profile data:

cd tools # if you're not already there
unzip build/distributions/tools-<version>.zip
tools-<version>/bin/tools std

Driver Selection contains the url, and the url selects which driver is used.

The JDBC URL prefix selects the driver:

  • jdbc:pgsql - targets this (ng) driver
  • jdbc:postgresql - targets the mainline (og) driver