A collection of adapters for the MUSIC library (https://github.com/INCF/MUSIC).
Run 'doxygen' to create the documentation including example configurations.
conda install pkg-config jsoncpp blas gsl
conda install -c conda-forge cppzmq
sudo apt install pkg-config libjsoncpp-dev libzmq3-dev libblas-dev libgsl-dev
make install
If the compiler runs into trouble because it can't find a file "json.h", try
# if libjsoncpp was installed with apt
cp -r /usr/include/jsoncpp/json <music-adapters_SOURCE>/base
# if libjsoncpp was installed with anaconda
cp -r ~/anaconda2/pkgs/jsoncpp-<SUFFIX>/include/jsoncpp/json <music-adapters_SOURCE>/base
or copying any other folder "json" containing a file "json.h" to the source directory.
Sometimes, cmake does not find mpi.h because it selects the wrong compilers. In this case try: