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Infi Emulator DOJO

⚠ Warning: This repository is frozen in time, and getting no new (security) updates. It is left public, should it help and offer some guidance around its subjects to future visitors. However, for latest guidance on involved subjects, we recommend going to the official sources.


Find the instructions in the index.html page. In order to run the code, either follow the simple Docker or the No Docker guides below. The Docker setup is nicer as it allows for hot reloading.


Make sure that Docker is installed on your machine and then run install-server, which builds a Docker image that serves the emulator on port 3000. When the installer is done, the server can be started by running run-server, which binds the server on host-port 3000. When you've opened localhost:3000 in your browser, every change to any HTML or JS-file will result in a browser refresh.

No Docker

You can simply run a portable webserver, like this one: Everything except downloading romfiles works as well by just opening index.html in Firefox or Safari (Chrome does not work).

Another tested option would be to use this on Windows 10:

  • Node (tested with version 6.10.0)
  • NPM (tested with version 3.10.10)

Just do...

  1. npm install -g serve
  2. npm install -g gulp
  3. npm install inside the cloned repo folder
  4. gulp watch

...and your browser should fire up with the dojo running using BrowserSync.