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Back End API for the RCTrials Platform v2.0.0


The stack is based on Linux, so running from Linux or Mac is easier, however, if running on Windows, then the recommended approach is to use PowerShell.

The host machine should have access to Docker, PHP, and Composer. These tools are used to run pre-deployment scripts to download the source dependencies.


Install Docker by following the instructions here:

Install PHP by following the instructions here: Download the latest x64 Non Thread Safe zip file and place under C:\php

Install Composer by following the instructions here:

Verify all the CLI tools by opening PowerShell and executing:

php --version
composer --version
docker --version
docker-compose --version

You should see version outputs from each command.

Finally, run Composer to install PHP dependencies:

composer install -d src

Working Locally

Launching Entire LAMP Stack

Execute the following command to launch the app and db services:

> docker-compose up

TODO: Enable HTTPS in local environment

If you wish to develop over HTTPS, you will need to point the self-signed files to the default locations. Connect to the app container:

> docker exec -it $(docker ps -f name=app -q) /bin/bash

And set the location of the certificate files in the apache ssl config to the self-signed ones generated during the build process:

> sed -i 's/\/etc\/ssl\/certs\/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem/\/ssl\/rctrials.crt/g' /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl.conf && sed -i 's/\/etc\/ssl\/private\/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key/\/ssl\/rctrials.key/g' /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl.conf

Replacing Containers

The app container, when launched through docker-compose in DEV mode will link the src folder directly to the var/www/html folder, and allow source updating when edited on the host machine.

(Note: "DEV mode" is leaving the docker-compose.yml file as-is in the repo, while "PROD mode" is simply commenting out the property.)

To replace the db container launched through docker-compose run the following commands:

docker-compose kill db
docker-compose rm
docker-compose up -d --no-deps db

Launching Each Container Individually

The order of operations is important during this process. The app service relies on the db service to be running, so the database should be built and launched first.


Execute the following command to run the db service:

> docker run --name=rctrials_db -v ./db/db_init.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/00_db_init.sql -v ./db/db_sample_6fdc.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/10_db_populate.sql -e TZ=America/Chicago -e MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=no -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=rooot -e MYSQL_DATABASE=rctrials -e MYSQL_USER=rctrials-db-user -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=rctrials-db-pass -p 3307:3306 -d mariadb:10.5


> docker run --name=rctrials_db -v C:\RCTrials\db\db_init.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/00_db_init.sql -v C:\RCTrials\db\db_sample_6fdc.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/10_db_populate.sql -e TZ=America/Chicago -e MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=no -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=rooot -e MYSQL_DATABASE=rctrials -e MYSQL_USER=rctrials-db-user -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=rctrials-db-pass -p 3307:3306 -d mariadb:10.5

Note the mapping of the db_init.sql file is different depending on the host environment.

Running docker ps should now display the running rctrials_db container. To validate the initialization you can run:

> docker exec -it rctrials_db /bin/bash

Running any of the following should produce errors:

> mysql
> mysql -uroot
> mysql -uroot -pabc

Running the following should give you access to the initialized database:

> mysql -urctrials-db-user -prctrials-db-pass rctrials

Running the following should show you the initialized table structure:

> show tables

Exporting data from one db container for import into another. Doesn't work to import file directly if done in Windows, so need to import manually into a running container.

First, dump data from existing container:

> docker exec mehailo_db /usr/bin/mysqldump -u root --password=rooot mehailo >

Stop and destroy current container:

> docker stop mehailo_db
> docker rm mehailo_db

Start new one:

> docker run --name=mehailo_db -v C:\MEHAILO\Database\mhl-db-init.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/00_db_init.sql -v C:\MEHAILO\Database\mhl-db-tables.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/10_db_tables.sql -v C:\MEHAILO\Database\mhl-db-views.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/20_db_views.sql -v C:\MEHAILO\Database\mhl-db-challenges.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/30_db_challenges.sql -e TZ=GMT -e MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=no -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=rooot -e MYSQL_DATABASE=mehailo -e MYSQL_USER=mehailo-db-user -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=mehailo-db-pass -p 3308:3306 -d mariadb:10.5

Import data: Windows:

> type .\db.mehailo.2020.12.15.50users38days.sql | docker exec -i mehailo_db2 mysql -u root --password=rooot mehailo

Execute the following command to build the app service:

> docker build -t rctrials_app:dev .

Execute the following command to run the app service: Linux:

> docker run --name=rctrials_app -p 80:80 -p 443:443 --link rctrials_db:db -d rctrials_app:dev


> docker run --name=rctrials_app -p 80:80 -p 443:443 --link rctrials_db:db -d rctrials_app:dev

OR to attach an app to an existing db container initiated by docker-compose you will need to specify the network:

> docker network ls
> docker run --name=rctrials_app -p 8081:80 -p 8444:443 --link rctrials_db.internal.research_1 --net rctrials_default -v C:\RCTrials\src:/var/www/html -d rctrials_app:latest
> docker run --name=mehailo_app -p 8082:80 -p 8445:443 --link mehailo_db.internal.app_1 --net mehailo_default -v C:\MEHAILO\Source\AppServer\:/var/www/html -d mehailo_app:latest
docker run --name=mehailo_dev -p 8082:80 -p 4444:443 --link mehailo_db:db -v C:\MEHAILO\Source\AppServer\:/var/www/html  -d mehailo_app:dev

Running docker ps should now display the running rctrials_app container. To validate the initialization you can run:

> docker exec -it rctrials_app /bin/bash

Running the following will validate the connection to the database:

> apt-get install -y iputils-ping
> ping db

Rebuild local:

> docker build -t mehailo_app:dev .

Rerun local connecting to docker-compose db:

> docker run --name=mehailo_app -p 8445:443 -v C:\MEHAILO\Source\AppServer\:/var/www/html --link mehailo_db_1:db --net mehailo_default -d mehailo_app:dev

Deploying to Cloud

Use Cloud SQL

Create a new Cloud SQL instance. Create user.

Build and Tag Container Image

Execute the following commands to build and tag the app service container:

> cd src
> composer install
> cd ..
> docker build -t -t .

Push the container to registry:

> docker push
> docker push

Create an f1-micro instance in the us-central1 region to stay on the Free Tier.
Use the container image. Allow HTTP and HTTPS traffic.

Link Container to Database

Connect to the instance and get inside the docker container:

> docker exec -it $(docker ps -f name=app -q) /bin/bash

You will need to add a line to /etc/hosts similar to:

[IP_OF_DB_INSTANCE]  db.internal

where the IP is the internal IP of the db instance. You can do it minimally with:

> echo "[IP_OF_DB_INSTANCE]  db.internal" >> /etc/hosts


> cp /etc/hosts /etc/hosts.bak
> sed 's/old-ip/new-ip/g' /etc/hosts.bak > /etc/hosts

or by installing vim with:

> apt-get update && apt-get install vim
> vim /etc/hosts

Then test the connection:

> apt-get update && apt-get install iputils-ping
> ping db.internal

Install LetsEncrypt

Connect to app instance and enter the container:

> docker exec -it $(docker ps -f name=app -q) /bin/bash

Then execute the following:

> certbot --apache
  - [email protected]
  - A
  - N
  - 2
????> ./letsencrypt-auto -d certonly
> service apache2 restart

Check Site

Navigate to the site online to validate everything is working:

Should show "Method Not Allowed".

Check for SSL issues by navigating to http. Check for DB issues by pinging db.internal from app instance.


Back End API for the RCTrials Platform







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