Intermine cloud project makes it easier to build and deploy InterMines.
It is built on top of various sub projects as resuable components.
But, for the end user, all the functionality is wrapped in a single
user friendly CLI called minectl
, which is available on Pypi.
Intermine Cloud project is designed and built with the following goals.
Ease of use
Time to build and deploy your first InterMine should not take more than 10 minutes.
InterMine is built for researchers. They should be able to modify the system to fit their unique needs.
Science is going through a reproducibility crisis. We care about this problem. So, InterMines should be easily shareable.
We have made good progress on our goals. But, we are constantly working on improving the system. Please feel free to open issues on our Github repository. Pull requests are also welcome!
The project is managed as a monorepo. Brief description of sub directories are below.
Python library for building an InterMine within a container.
SaaS backend for InterMine Cloud.
Service to communicate mine workflows and progress updates across NATS, between Argo and compose.
Generate diagrams for InterMine Cloud infrastructure.
DEPRECATED: Helm Chart for deploying InterMine Cloud and InterMine instances.
Kubernetes operator utilising Helm for deploying InterMine instances.
NOT IN USE: Kubernetes operator written in Go for deploying InterMine instances.
Kustomize manifests for deploying InterMine Cloud to Kubernetes.
Wrapper around tools for developing and managing InterMine Cloud.
NOT IN USE: Kubernetes operator written in Go for deploying InterMine instances.
Scripts to facilitate InterMine Cloud development.
OUTDATED: Terraform infrastructure code for deploying InterMine Cloud to GCP.
Documentation and YAML files for using helm-operator InterMine instance Chart to manually deploy InterMine instances. Does not require backing infrastructure of InterMine Cloud.
SaaS frontend for InterMine Cloud.
Documentation and scripts for developing and testing Argo Workflow for building and deploying InterMine instances.
InterMine cloud is still a work in progress. So, things might break due to on-going development.