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Chemical Genomics Analysis with Linear Mixed Models


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CGA_LMM: Chemical-Genomics Analysis with Linear Mixed Models

This github repository holds scripts for statistical analysis of chemical-genomics data using linear mixed models, as described in:

Esha Dutta, Michael A. DeJesus, Nadine Ruecker, Anisha Zaveri, Eun-Ik Koh, Christopher M. Sassetti, Dirk Schnappinger, and Thomas R. Ioerger (2021). "An Improved Statistical Method to Identify Chemical-Genetic Interactions by Exploiting Concentration-Dependence", submitted to PLOS ONE.

Overview of the code

The scripts are written in R, and were developed and tested on v3.6.3 of R.

Some R packages are required to be installed: lme4, reshape

The two main files to be used for analyzing any dataset are: CGA_functions.R and CGA_LMM.R. CGA_functions contains utility functions to be used in the analysis, and is sourced by the other scripts. CGA_LMM.R is called to perform the LMM analysis and generate some plots and output files. In addition, there is a custom preprocessing script for each of the 3 example datasets.


In a typical C-G experiment, a hypomorph library of bacterial depletion mutants will be treated with a growth inhibitor, the DNA will be extracted and sequenced, and nucleotide barcode counts for each strain will be tabulated and saved in a matrix (spreadsheet, saved as a tab-separated text file) where the rows are samples (treatments with different drugs at different concentrations, columns are genes, and the counts represent abundance of each mutant in each sample.

Step 1. Preprocessing

Preprocess the input file of 'counts' to generated a file with 'melted' data. This step can be customized for each dataset, to accommodate anything unique about the input file (such as extra columns or rows that can be discarded, or column headers that have to be renamed, etc.) This step also performs filtering (to remove samples or drugs with too few counts, or drugs with excessive abundance). It calculates relative abundance (normalizing by total counts for each sample), and also calculated the log2 of drug concentrations. Finally it melts the data into a column format suitable for input to the next step. All of these operations are performed in a standardized way by calling the get_filtered_and_metled_data() function definde in CGA_functions.R See any of the preprocess_DATASET.R scripts as examples.

usage: Rscript preprocess_DATASET.txt DRUG

Step 2. Run the LMM and generate output files and plots.

This is done by running the CGA_LMM.R, which reads the DRUG_melted.txt file as input and generates DRUG_coeffs.txt file as output. For interpretation, see Output section below.

Rscript CGA_LMM.R DRUG_melted.txt DRUG


Here is an example of running the analysis on levofloxcin in the Exp7 dataset:

  1. preprocessing input counts file to generate melted data

Rscript preprocess_Exp7.R Exp7_counts.txt Levo

generates Levo_melted.txt

  1. running the analysis and generating output files and plots

Rscript CGA_LMM.R Levo_melted.txt Levo

  • reads Levo_melted.txt
  • generates:
    • Levo_coeffs.txt - a spreadsheet with analysis of each gene (slope, significance, Zrobust)
    • Levo_hist.png - histogram of distribution of slopes
    • Levo_dot_plots.pdf - plot showing the raw data for abundance of each gene and the regression line fit by the LMM
    • Levo_dot_plot_combined.png - plot showing the mean abundance for each gene superimposed
    • Levo_fan_plot.png - plot showing the data reduced to linear trends for each gene

Interpetation of Output (coeffs.txt file)

The main output file is DRUG_coeffs.txt, which is a tab-separated text file that can be opened as a spreadsheet. The primary column to focus on is Zrobust, which gives the robust Z-score based on slope (trend of relative abundance with increasing drug concentration) for each gene. Genes that are outliers or candidate interactions are those with |Zrobust|>3.5. However, the most interesting interactions are usually the ones with negative interactions, Zrobust<-3.5.

Furthermore, to assess which genes have a regression sloped that is significantly different than 0, a regular linear model was fit for each gene, and the slope coefficient was tested for significance using a t-statistic; an adjusted P-value is derived from this. Note that many genes in the test datasets have negative slopes that are significantly different than 0, but there are usually only a small number that are outliers, and hence identified as candidate interactions.

The output file has the following columns:

  • LM_slope: regression coefficient of relative abundance against log2 of drug concentration
  • Padj: P-value for where coefficient is significantly different than 0, adjusted for multiple comparisons by the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure; genes with slopes with Padj>=0.05 could be disregarded
  • LMM_intercept: random effect intercept for each gene in LMM
  • LMM_slope: random effect slope for each gene in LMM: trend of relative abundance against log2 of drug concentration
  • Zrobust: robust Z-score (Iglewicz and Hoaglin, 1993) of LMM_slope with respect to distribution of slopes for all genes; outliers (interations with drug) are those genes with |Zrobust|>3.5

Iglewicz, B., & Hoaglin, D. (1993). How to Detect and Handle Outliers (E. F. Mykytka Ed. Vol. 16): ASCQ Quality Press.

Functions in CGA_functions.R (API)

  • get_filtered_and_melted_data(DRUG,sample_info,counts,MIN_COUNT_PER_CELL=100,MAX_ABUNDANCE=0.1):

    • This function takes 2 data frames as input (and the name of a DRUG to analyze; the last 2 args are optional and are used in filtering).

    • sample_info has columns: Drug, Conc, ConcLabl, logConc (multiple replicates are stored on separate rows) (ConcLabl contains text symbols for labeling X-axis of plots)

    • counts is a matrix of counts for each sample (row) and gene (col); it is intended to be parallel to sample_info (i.e. corresponding rows)

  • run_LMM(model_data):

    • The model_data is a melted data frame with ConcLabl, logConc, gene, and Abund, from the preprocessing step.
    • This runs lmer and performs statistical analysis

The following functions are for generating the plot files. They are fairly self-explanatory. If one wants to highlight certain genes in the plot, one can pass in a list of gene names (or alternatively, leave it as NULL). Some examples of GenesToHighlight are defined in CGA_LMM.R

  • slope_histogram(DRUG,allSlopes,GenesToHighlight)

    • generates DRUG_hist.png
    • histogram of distribution of slopes
  • make_fan_plot(Drug,Melted,Genes,GenesToHighlight)

    • generate DRUG_fan_plot.png
    • plot showing the data reduced to linear trends for each gene
  • plot_genes_PDF(DRUG,Genes,Melted,predicted)

    • generates DRUG_dot_plots.pdf
    • plot showing the raw data for abundance of each gene and the regression line fit by the LMM
  • combined_dot_plot(DRUG,Melted,Genes,GenesToHighlight):

    • generates DRUG_dot_plots_combined.png
    • plot showing the mean abundance for each gene superimposed


Datasets for 3 hypomorph libraries of M. tuberculosis H37Rv treated with 11 drugs (combined) are provided in the data/ sub-directory. Here the drugs and abbreviations tested in each library:

Rscript preprocess_Broad.R poscon_lib1_matrix.txt trimethoprim
Rscript CGA_LMM.R trimethoprim_melted.txt trimethoprim

Rscript preprocess_Broad.R poscon_lib1_matrix.txt methotrexate
Rscript CGA_LMM.R methotrexate_melted.txt methotrexate

Rscript preprocess_Broad.R poscon_lib1_matrix.txt rifampin
Rscript CGA_LMM.R rifampin_melted.txt rifampin

Rscript preprocess_Broad.R poscon_lib1_matrix.txt BRD-4592
Rscript CGA_LMM.R BRD-4592_melted.txt BRD-4592

  • Exp7 (input file: Exp7_counts.txt)

    • Levo - levofloxacin
    • Moxi - moxifloxacin
    • INH - isoniazid
    • Fida - fidaxomycin
    • Sulfa - sulfamethoxazole
    • BDQ - bedaquiline

Rscript preprocess_Exp7.R Exp7_counts.txt Levo
Rscript CGA_LMM.R Levo_melted.txt Levo

Rscript preprocess_Exp7.R Exp7_counts.txt Moxi
Rscript CGA_LMM.R Moxi_melted.txt Moxi

Rscript preprocess_Exp7.R Exp7_counts.txt INH
Rscript CGA_LMM.R INH_melted.txt INH

Rscript preprocess_Exp7.R Exp7_counts.txt Fida
Rscript CGA_LMM.R Fida_melted.txt Fida

Rscript preprocess_Exp7.R Exp7_counts.txt Sulfa
Rscript CGA_LMM.R Sulfa_melted.txt Sulfa

Rscript preprocess_Exp7.R Exp7_counts.txt BDQ
Rscript CGA_LMM.R BDQ_melted.txt BDQ

  • Cu (input file: Supplemental_Table_T3_copper_barcode_counts.txt; treated with copper, with 3 different carbon sources in the medium:)

    • cholesterol
    • acetate
    • glycerol

For the copper dataset, the carbon source is specified as the argument on the command line for the preprocessing step, instead of the drug (since there is only 1 drug: Cu). The melted file it creates is called 'Cu_CARBON_SOURCE_ssb1' The suffix 'ssb1' refers to the specific Tet promoter used for controlling sspB expression.

Rscript preprocess_copper.R copper_barcode_counts.txt cholesterol
Rscript CGA_LMM.R Cu_cholesterol_ssb1_melted.txt Cu_cholesterol_ssb1

Rscript preprocess_copper.R copper_barcode_counts.txt acetate
Rscript CGA_LMM.R Cu_acetate_ssb1_melted.txt Cu_acetate_ssb1

Rscript preprocess_copper.R copper_barcode_counts.txt glycerol
Rscript CGA_LMM.R Cu_glycerol_ssb1_melted.txt Cu_glycerol_ssb1


Chemical Genomics Analysis with Linear Mixed Models







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