Modular Security Pool for DePIN projects.
The Modular Security Pool (MSP) is a module that acts as a pool gathering staking security from various established Layer 1 blockchains and distributing that security to new networks, including DePINs and DePIN Infrastructure Providers (DIMs). This allows new networks to inherit the security of the underlying Layer 1 blockchains without having to build their own security infrastructure from scratch. Learn more:
Deployed MockBucket: '0x25713049e7A1FcAdB47Fc72234960bF78B9f3560'
Deployed MockLST: '0xdFa0dB313d4279b6611e7E395a63AA89E142df88'
Deployed PROXY_ADMIN_ADDRESS: '0x5E25A6d7A8d710Ab9756B0A043a3DDFAf303Fb0F'
Deployed BucketRewardPool: '0x1EE8DcA520D219F0989a84A6E82ae2fa81299223'
Deployed StrategyManager: '0xEa0e85eE83c176b166c83A0dC20abA59ef80f864'
Deployed BucketStrategy: '0x699366f36DA4C2f69B27eC63a635FFB6Ea31D927'
Deployed LSTStrategy for 0xdFa0dB313d4279b6611e7E395a63AA89E142df88 LST: '0xaE864B9f488CC85F35667230f5E87683eA6feA95'