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Releases: isaqb-org/curriculum-eam

Release 2024.1-rev0

02 Feb 14:36
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Release 2024.1

Release 2024.1 Overview

The latest version of the EAM curriculum represents a major revision, primarily to give the curriculum a much greater focus on the topics that are relevant to software architects. To that end, we have specifically renamed the curriculum from "Enterprise Architecture Management" to "Enterprise Architecture Management for Software Architects". In addition, we have made many improvements to each chapter, including updating and standardizing the terminology, adding modern EAM topics, etc.

Release 2024.1 Highlights

  • The curriculum was changed to set a greater focus on software architectuer. The Name has been changed to "Enterprise Architecture Management for Software Architects" to reflect this.
  • The structure has been changed, including removing existing and adding new chapters.
  • Within the chapters, the structure was changed to a new topic-based structure rather than "Do", "Understand", "Know" structure.
  • Many new references were added.
  • Chapter 1: ""Basic Terms used in EAM"
    • The chapter covers learning goals related to EAM definition and terminology, as well as EAM frameworks and tools.
    • Topics related to strategy, architecture evaluation, change management, and portfolio management were reduced or removed.
    • Detailed topics, such as governance and architecture repositories, were moved to the corresponding chapter.
    • Topics related to architecture framworks were consolidated, enhanced, or added.
  • Chapter 2: "EAM Approaches" (renamed from "Procedures in E(IT)AM")
    • The chapter covers learning goals that describe methodologies for creating and maintaining business capabilities, baseline architectures, target architectures, architecture roadmaps, architecture principles, reference models, and the EAM Repository.
    • Several topics were removed (e.g., architecture vision) and several were added (e.g., roadmap planning).
    • A few terms were renamed and several topics were better sructured and consolidated for clarity purposes.
    • Topics related to reference models and repositories were moved to this chapter rather than keeping them in their own chapter.
  • Chapter 3: "Architecture Governance".
    • This chapter was greatly reduced to focus on governance terms and concepts as well as governance roles and responsibilities.
    • All other topics were completely removed, e.g., change management, COBIT, coprorate governance, maturity models, quality management, etc.
  • Chapter 4: "Interaction between Software Architecture and Enterprise Architecture Management"
    • The chapter focuses on the impact of enterprise architecture on software architecture and vice versa.
    • Added the impact of changes to the business and enterprise architecture on software archtiecture, e.g., the influence of changes in strategy, organization, regulatory requirements, market and IT trendsetc. on the IT landscpe.
    • Added influences of software architecture (e.g., new architecture approaches such as microservices) on the busineess (e.g., strategy, processes, organizational structure, etc.) and the IT landscape.
    • Added considerations relating to cross-cutting concerns.

Release 2024.1 Details


  • The stucture and chapters has been changed:
    • The chapter "Procedures in E(IT)AM" has been changed to "EAM Approaches"
    • The "Repositories and Metamodels" chapter has been removed. Some of the content has been moved to Chapter 1: "Basic terms used in Enterprise Architecture Management".
    • The governance-related topics of the "Governance and Chanage Management" chapter were reduced and the Change Management topics were completely removed. The Chapter is now called "Architecture Governance"
    • The chapter "Implementation of Enterprise Architecture Management" was removed
    • The chapter "Enterprise Architecture Frameworks" was removed and some of the content was moved to Chapter 1: "Basic terms used in Enterprise Architecture Management".
    • The chapter "Interaction between Software Architecture and Enterprise Architecture Management" was added to clearly demonstrate the impact of EAM on Software Architecture and vice versa.
  • Within the chapters, the structure was changed to a new topic-based structure rather than "Do", "Understand", "Know" structure.
  • The recommended duration of the chapters were updated according to the new chapters.
  • The prerequisites were updated.
  • Many new references were added.

Chapter 1: "Basic Terms used in EAM" - comparison with the previous version

  • The chapter is structured in the following learning goals:
    • LG 1-1: EAM definition and the relation to other management areas.
    • LG 1-2: EAM basic terms.
    • LG 1-3: Overview of EAM frameworks and tools.
  • Some of the topics related to strategy were removed.
  • Topics related to portfolio management and evaluation were reduced.
  • Some detailed topics, such as Governance, were moved to the corresponding chapter.
  • Topics related to change management were removed.
  • The topics related to EAM visualisations were moved to Chapter 2: "EAM Approaches".
  • Topics related to architecture roadmaps were added.
  • Topics related to architecture framworks were cosolidated and more examples are provided.
  • Topics related to architecture repositories were moved to Chapter 2: "EAM Approaches".

Chapter 2: "EAM Approaches" (renamed from "Procedures in E(IT)AM")

  • The chapter is structured in the following learning goals:
    • LG 2-1: General approaches for developing and enhancing an enterprise architecture.
    • LG 2-2: Business capabilities as a link between business and software architecture.
    • LG-2-3: Methods for specifying and analyzing the baseline architecture.
    • LG 2-4: Methods for developing and changing the target architecture.
    • LG 2-5: Methods for developing and changing the architecture roadmap.
    • LG 2-6: Architecture Principles.
    • LG 2-7: Reference models or architectures.
    • LG 2-8: EAM Repository.
  • Topics related to architecture vision were remvoed.
  • The term "current architecture" was changed to "baseline architecture".
  • The term "sub-architecture" was changed to "architecture domain".
  • Topics were grouped more logically together.
  • Several EAM approches were added.
  • The approaches are now provided as examples rather than a specifying them as required.
  • Topics related to roadmap planning were added.
  • Topics related to reference models and repositories were moved to this chapter rather than keeping them in their own chapter.

Chapter 3: "Architecture Governance" (renamed from "Governance and Change Management")

  • The chapter is structured in the following learning goals:
    • LG 3-1: Governance Terms and Concepts
    • LG 3-2: Governance roles and responsibilities.
  • This chapter was greatly reduced to focus on governance terms and concepts as well as governance roles and responsibilities.
  • All other topics were completely removed, e.g., change management, COBIT, coprorate governance, maturity models, quality management, etc.
  • Topics relating EAM governance to Software Architecture governance were added.

Chapter 4: "Interaction between Software Architecture and Enterprise Architecture Management"

  • The chapter is structured in the following learning goals:
    • LG 4-1: Influences from the enterprise architecture on the software architecture.
    • LG 4-2: Influences of the Software Architecture on the Enterprise Architecture.
    • LG 4-3: Architectural aspects that impact multiple applications (crosscutting concerns or concepts).
  • Completely new chapter intended to clearly demonstrate the impact of EAM on Software Architecture and vice versa.
  • It is likely that many of the topics within this chapter will be integrated in the other topics when actually giving the class.
  • Added influences of business changes on software archtiecture, e.g., the influence of changes in strategy, organization, regulatory requirements, market and IT trendsetc. on the IT landscpe.
  • Relate the impact of the enterprise architecture specifications and guidelines on the software architecture
  • Added influences of software architecture (e.g., new architecture approaches such as microservices) on the busineess (e.g., strategy, processes, organizational structure, etc.).
  • Added the impact of software architecture for a single application on the IT landscape.
  • Added considerations relating to cross-cutting concerns.

Chapter "Repositories and Metamodels"

  • This chapter was removed. Some of the content has been moved to Chapter 1: "Basic terms used in Enterprise Architecture Management" and Chapter 2: "EAM Approaches".

Chapter "Implementation of Enterprise Architecture Management"

  • This chapter was removed.

Chapter "Enterprise Architecture Frameworks"

  • This chapter was removed and some of the content was moved to Chapter 1: "Basic terms used in Enterprise Architecture Management".

Release Candidate 2023.1-RC1

24 Nov 19:28
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Release Notes

New in 2023.1

  • please add nice release notes here :-)