- member
- 반영성(https://github.com/ys-ban)
- 소재열
- 이대훈
- 조호성(https://github.com/chohoseong)
- 최이서(https://github.com/iseochoi)
- data: a part of TACO dataset
- problem and breakthrough:
- overfitting -> multilabel stratified 5-fold cross validation, lr scheduling, weight decay
- inconsistency of images -> augmentations(flip, grid mask, rotate, etc)
- semantic segmentation
- architecture: UNet3+ with depp supervision and class guide module
- backbone: EfficientNet-B3(pretrained, noisy student)
- validation: multilabel stratified 5-fold cross validation
- ensemble: 5-fold soft voting
- object detection
- model1:
- backbone: Swin Transformer
- neck: FPN
- detector: Hybrid Task Cascade
- model2:
- backbone: EfficientNet-B5
- neck: BiFPN
- detector: EfficientDet
- model3:
- backbone: CSP-Darknet (depth multiple: 1.33, width multiple: 1.25)
- neck: PANet
- detector: YOLO
- multi head ensemble based on WBF
- model1:
- semantic segmentation
- mIoU - 0.6795
- object detection
- mAP@50 - 0.4171