This is my revised set of dotfiles. After switching from AwesomeWM to i3-gaps. Originally a port of ibrahimbutt/direwolf-arch-rice to Void Linux.
The following instructions assume a fresh and blank installation of Void Linux.
$ sudo xbps-install -S stow git base-devel
$ git clone $HOME/.dotfiles
$ cd $HOME/.dotfiles && ./
- Installs the following packages
- i3-gaps
- i3lock
- ranger
- neovim
- dmenu
- firefox
- git
- gitflow
- pywal
- polybar
- pulseaudio
- rxvt-unicode
- stow
- gotop
- overpass-otf
- neofetch
- curl
- wget
- dunst
- obs
- vagrant
- virtualbox
- nerd-fonts
- Installs my i3 rice
- Creates a filestructure in