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Interpreting annotations

itst edited this page Apr 13, 2018 · 1 revision

Meaning of annotation

  • The default templates that ships with makes assumptions about the meaning of annotations.
  • Obviously, it is completely up to you to modify the template to your liking.
  • The script itself separates annotation into highlights, comments and editing by looking the the annotation's subtype:
  • If subtype is "highlight" and content is empty: this annotation is a highlight annotation
  • If subtype is "highlight" and content is not empty: this annotation is a comment annotation
  • If subtype is "squiggly", "strikeout" or "underline": this annotation is an editing annotation

Behavior of the default template

Highlighting for hierarchy

  • Blue: heading level 1
  • Lilac: heading level 2

Highlighting for content

  • Yellow: Mentions a source
  • Green: Default highlight type

Highlighting for copy-editing

  • Strikeouts and underlines are displayed as is
  • Squiggly annotations are displayed as emphasized