2.0.0 - [BREAKING] TYPO3 11 support and new features
[BREAKING] added static coding analysis via phpstan
[FEATURE] upgrade to TYPO3 11. Removed support for older versions
[BREAKING] removed vhs dependency
make sure to compare the templates, if you have overrides
[FIX] fixed position of traits
[BREAKING] fixed filter and reworked pagination on postings list
make sure to compare the templates and css, if you have overrides
[FEATURE] added configurable page size via flexform to postings plugin
[FIX] refactoring of google jobs structured data
[BREAKING] replaced signal slots in favor of events
please change your implementations if you used signal slots previously
[FEATURE] use new language configuration in tca
[FIX]: fixed problems of postings filter caching in multilanguage setup
[BREAKING]: postings can have multiple locations now
make sure to use the upgrade wizard to migrate entries in the location field to the new locations field and its corresponding mm table
make sure to compare the templates, if you have overrides
[FEATURE]: redesigned posting tca (more place for slugs, etc)
[FIX]: fixed error where postings could not be translated when no contact was selected
You can’t perform that action at this time.