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Releases: itx-informationssysteme/jobapplications

1.0.1 - Bugfixes

23 Oct 06:33
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  • [BUGFIX] fixed edge case where application sending would fail because of file upload (Issue #19)
  • [BUGFIX] fixed wrong wrong selectize.css file contents (Issue #17)
  • [BUGFIX] fixed php warning thrown when using the filter (Issue #18)
  • [BUGFIX] CSS and JS libs changed the directory into a sub vendor dir, you may have to change that in your template

1.0.0 - [BREAKING] Better file uploads and better filters

28 Sep 08:26
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This release is one of the more feature rich releases, in this case it demanded a lot of rewriting of essential features, like
the file upload or the filter functionality. That's why this release is marked as breaking. This means especially if
you overrode templates, functionality will be broken at first and manual migrations have to take place.

As this update touched quite a lot of code there may be bugs. If you find one please report it by creating a GitHub Issue.

  • [BREAKING] file uploads now work with the included JavaScript library filepond.
    This results in a different file uploading flow, where the users upload their files asynchronously. This means the user
    does not have to select the files in one file chooser window, but can do this in multiple instances and also remove each
    added file from the upload. This also improves file error handling, as the user gets feedback immediatly after the upload,
    whether the file was accepted or not.

    This change breaks the old fileuploads, meaning if you overrode the application form template, applying
    wont work anymore. To migrate, take a look into the new application form template where things like including JavaScript
    and CSS libraries and giving the upload elements a "filepond" class happened.

    Filepond gives you a lot of flexibility in its configuration, which you can find outsourced to the Application/FilepondConfig partial.
    This change also introduces the option to simply change whether the former single file uploads (cv, cover_letter...)
    are single or multi upload directly in the template. The controller will handle both.

  • [BREAKING] filters got a JavaScript and functionality upgrade as well. They are now powered by selectize.js (also included).
    selectize.js requires jQuery which is also optionally included as static template.
    The main reason for using JavaScript selects, was to have good looking multi selects. This means filters can now be
    implemented in templates as single or multiselect, without changing something else.
    Apart from that, the entire filter system was reworked, now allowing custom filters to be configured via TypoScript and
    the PostingController and the Constraint model. Details on how to do this can be found in the developer section of the documentation.

  • [BREAKING] the allowed file extension list was moved from the template constants to the Extension Configuration.

  • [BREAKING] deprecated validThrough property in Posting domain model finally removed

  • [BREAKING] changed the employment type single select into a multiselect, as google allows for multiple employment types as well

  • [FEATURE] the default posting list view temlate now has the pagination viewhelper included (and overriden for working bootstrap layout),
    also including a typoscript constant allowing to set the maximum number of postings on one page

  • [FEATURE] added error handler if no posting was found for the detail view

  • [FEATURE] added pagination to the backend modules application entries

  • [FEATURE] added smarter background routing, now skipping the dashboard view in case it was already seen in the current session

  • [FEATURE] added slug behaviour extension configuration

  • [BUGFIX] corrected output order in contact display

  • [BUGFIX] fixed Google Indexing API implementation in v10