Releases: itx-informationssysteme/jobapplications
Releases · itx-informationssysteme/jobapplications
2.3.1 - 2023-09-18 Bugfix
- Fixed wrong homeoffice field type in posting model
2.3.0 - 2023-09-13
- Added privacy protection to option to send email without personal data by @hmccloy (#92)
- Added list plugin option to set prefiltered locations (#68)
- Added a new event to modify google for jobs data
- Improved task documentation
- Fixed error when copying posting without location requirement (#101)
- Fixed filter not working when using pagination (#90)
- Removed hidden dashboard dependency (#112 and #73)
- Moved changelog to
- Internal: Changed from develop and master branch to single main branch
- Removed unnecessary TYPO3 pageNotFoundOnCHashError setting and excludeAllEmptyParameters from ext_localconf.php
2.2.0 - Honeypot & Homeoffice
- [FEATURE] added honeypot field to application form #81
- [FEATURE] added homeoffice fields to posting #83
- [CHORE] increased PHP version requirement to 8.0
- [FIX] fixed fixed non sortable contacts in contact plugin #86
- [FIX] fixed not being able to remove the required attribute from file uploads #88
- [FIX] fixed documentation formatting
2.1.0 - Backend module design improvements and Google for Jobs overhaul
- [FEATURE] added Google For Jobs "directApply" property #75
- [FEATURE] improved design of the backend module to be more consistent with TYPO3
- [FEATURE] added route enhanced URLs for Indexing API Integration #80
- [FEATURE] added region field to location record to resemble Google For Jobs #75
- [FIX] fixed and issue where the ViewHelper "jobs:condition.inArray" could not be resolved #71
- [FIX] restored compatibility with PHP 7.4 #65 and #66
- [FIX] fixed an issue where a missing semicolon would break script execution #76 (thank you @der-phillip)
- [FIX] fixed the value of the placeholder %postingTitle% has no output on the success page #70
- [FIX] fixed exception when using Google Indexing and creating a new job #78
2.0.0 - [BREAKING] TYPO3 11 support and new features
- [BREAKING] added static coding analysis via phpstan
- [FEATURE] upgrade to TYPO3 11. Removed support for older versions
- [BREAKING] removed vhs dependency
- make sure to compare the templates, if you have overrides
- [FIX] fixed position of traits
- [BREAKING] fixed filter and reworked pagination on postings list
- make sure to compare the templates and css, if you have overrides
- [FEATURE] added configurable page size via flexform to postings plugin
- [FIX] refactoring of google jobs structured data
- [BREAKING] replaced signal slots in favor of events
- please change your implementations if you used signal slots previously
- [FEATURE] use new language configuration in tca
- [FIX]: fixed problems of postings filter caching in multilanguage setup
- [BREAKING]: postings can have multiple locations now
- make sure to use the upgrade wizard to migrate entries in the location field to the new locations field and its corresponding mm table
- make sure to compare the templates, if you have overrides
- [FEATURE]: redesigned posting tca (more place for slugs, etc)
- [FIX]: fixed error where postings could not be translated when no contact was selected
1.0.7 - Bugfixes
- [BUGFIX] fixed plugin text about available placeholder in mail text
- [BUGFIX] fixed error in application form when no messageMaxLength is configured
- [FEATURE] show all contacts if no contact is selected in the contact plugin
1.0.6 - Build fix
- this update contains no actual content, and only fixes a build issue
1.0.5 - Bugfixes
- [BUGFIX] fixed error "Unsupported or non-existing property name "categories" used in relation matching" when using categories with filters #51
- [BUGFIX] fixed error when removing filters from fluid template #44
- [BUGFIX] fixed and issue where filter options would not be contained to their relevant page and storage folders #28
- [FEATURE] added support for optional file uploads, you can now disable the required attribute on the file uploads #48
- [FEATURE] removed postingApp parameter from links where a detail view and an application form are on the same page, it now works automatically #41
- [FEATURE] added configurable file storage #38
1.0.3 - Bugfixes
- [BUGFIX] fixed record deletion hook not checking if indexing is enabled
- [BUGFIX] fixed broken revert function in file upload file removals
- [BUGFIX] fixed php warning for some systems, when single multi file upload enabled
1.0.2 - Bugfixes
- [BUGFIX] fixed PHP warning when google key path configuration is empty (thank you @NarkNiro)
- [BUGFIX] fixed spelling mistake in translation "Arbeitsverhältnis" (thank you @chschatz)
- [BUGFIX] fixed PHP error when having legacy file upload mode enabled (thank you @thofas and @luii)
- [BUGFIX] fixed bad "Postings" plugin category filter
- [BUGFIX] fixed exception when trying to delete a hidden application #39