A collection of tools, wrappers, observation preprocessors, and other useful tools for the Nethack Learning Environment.
The following command sets up an env with the essential dependencies required by the toolbox: torch
, numpy
, nle
, python-plyr
, minihack, and others.
# conda deactivate && conda env remove -n nle_toolbox
conda create -n nle_toolbox "python>=3.9" pip setuptools numpy scipy cmake \
"pytorch::pytorch>=1.8" matplotlib \
&& conda activate nle_toolbox \
&& pip install einops python-plyr
# install bleeding-edge versions from the git
# NLE <= 0.8.1 does not expose certain bottom line attribs
pip install -vv "nle @ git+https://github.com/facebookresearch/nle.git"
# this fork of minihack patched missing parameters in some tasks
pip install -vv "minihack @ git+https://github.com/ivannz/minihack.git"
The latest version of the toolbox itself can be installed from github
conda activate nle_toolbox
pip install git+https://github.com/ivannz/nle_toolbox.git -vv
Or if you would like to contribute or edit/fix some code or tools contained within, please, clone and install the package in editable mode. It is advisable to create a dedicated environments for development purposes.
git clone https://github.com/ivannz/nle_toolbox.git
cd nle_toolbox
# use a dedicated env with correct dependencies
conda activate nle_toolbox
conda install -n nle_toolbox swig pytest notebook \
&& pip install tqdm wandb black pre-commit gitpython box2d-py "gym[box2d]"
# XXX gitpython and gym[box2d] for fancy testing
pre-commit install
pip install -e . -vv