AKON as in AWS KONector
Simple utility to connect to EC2 instances based on the dashed naming scheme (example : foo-bar-1-dev )
- NodeJS (http://nodejs.org/)
- jq (http://stedolan.github.io/jq/)
npm install
./akon [--profile profileName] [--region awsRegion] arg1 [arg2] ... [argn]
To connect to a single instance with the name tag : foo-bar-1-dev
./akon foo bar 1 dev
To connect to multiple instances with name tag of pattern : foo-bar-*-dev
./akon foo bar '*' dev
To connect to instances named foo-bar-* using profile work-stuff in region eu-west-1
./akon --profile work-stuff --region eu-west-1 foo bar
To use globally , simply add the path to your local repo in the PATH environment variable and use it like below:
akon arg1 [arg2] ... [argn]
Please report bugs at https://github.com/ivarrian/awsconnector/issues
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"I wanna [connect with] you" - Akon