The do-core1
is a simple 32-bit processor architecture, mostly for educational purposes.
It aims at being a support for system programming and computer architecture fundamentals courses.
The do-core1 Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) is a simple Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) processor architecture, with a very limited memory model and instruction and register set.
exposes 32 registers, from R0
It also uses one Program Counter (PC
) register and a operation flags (RFLAGS
) register.
All do-core1
registers are 32 bits wide.
can address up to 4GiB (4 Giga Bytes) of physical memory.
is a RISC architecture and executes fixed-length
instructions of 32 bits.
The do-core1
is a 2-operand architecture, i.e. its instruction takes at most 2 operands.
The result of the instruction is always stored in the first operand.
operands are register indexes i.e. the instruction operates on R[op]
For example, an operand set to 14 is addressing R14.
When using 2 operands, a do-core1
instruction can be split into an operation code (opcode),
the first operand (op0) and the second operand (op1).
The opcode is 6 bits long, and operands are 5 bits long:
do-core instruction with 2 operands:
Bits |15 11|10 6|5 0|
| op1 (bits 11-15) | op0 (bits 6-10) | Opcode (bits 0-5) |
The do-core1
is a load-store
architecture and supports the following instructions:
Opcode | Instruction | Description |
0x00 |
LDW Rn, Rm |
LoaD Word: Load the 32-bit value at the memory address contained in Rm into Rn |
0x01 |
STW Rn, Rm |
STore Word: Store the 32-bit value from Rn into the memory address contained in Rm |
0x02 |
ADD Rn, Rm |
ADD: Add the value contained in Rm into Rn (Rn = Rn + Rm ) |
0x03 |
XOR Rn, Rm |
eXclusive OR: Perform a bitwise exclusive OR between Rn and Rm (Rn = Rn ^ Rm ) |
0x04 |
SHR Rn, Count |
SHift Right: Perform a right shift in Rn on Count bits (Rn = Rn >> Count ) |
0x05 |
SHL Rn, Count |
SHift Left: Perform a left shift in Rn on Count bits (Rn = Rn << Count ) |