Reddit-dl a tool to download images and video from reddit
Reddit-DL is made to be easy to use
redditdl [redditurl] [filename]
redditdl RespectThePup
This will download the video into a file named RespectThePup.mp4
Reddit-DL will automaticly convert to mp4 using FFMPEG and images will always be saved in the jepg format
Reddit-dl only requires that ffmpeg is installed and aviable by running ffmpeg
once this is complete you can download videos fine. Images do not need ffmpeg to download, they will work nativly. Gif files also require ffmpeg as they are stored as mp4 files in reddit but this project will use ffmpeg to convert it to a gif for you automaticly.
This project is just kinda for fun and if there is a demand I will work on keeping it updated but if you want to help in cleaning up the code (yes I am new to GoLang and this is just me learning more about it) or improving it then feel free to make a pull request. I will try to keep checking for new requests.
To build this project you require GoLang. After you install it you install it in this root directory with go.mod
and main.go
execute this command go build .
It will then output a file for your operating system that you can run.