Library that lets you add marching ants (animated) selection to the edges of the images.
let marcher:JMCMarchingAnts = JMCMarchingAnts()
- Add animated selection layer with a addAnts(image:UIIMage, imageView:UIImageView) method, where image is an image that will be processed, and the imageView is a view that selection layer will be displayed on.
marcher.addAnts(image, imageView: self.imageView)
Enjoy yur marching ants!
class ViewController: UIViewController {
@IBOutlet weak var imageView: UIImageView!
//Initialize the marching ants object
let marcher:JMCMarchingAnts = JMCMarchingAnts()
override func viewDidAppear(animated: Bool) {
if let image = imageView.image{
//if image exists add the selection layer to the image view
marcher.addAnts(image, imageView: self.imageView)