The purpose of this module is to download and preprocess Sentinel-2 satellite imagery data directly from Theia-land from given dates and a tile name or bounding box.
- Configure an account on Theia to configure credentials and pull The folder theia_download available on this git repository is an example of what you should get.
- Download OTB for data preprocessing.
Using anaconda, create the environment using :
cd sentinel2-process
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate sentinel2-process
Code to download and preprocess a tile for Land Use and Land Cover analysis is summarized into the script
You must provide the following paths to execute a code from the following files :
A vector folder where you have :
- Ground truth shapefile : Objects ID and labels to use for land cover training. The projection should be in your UTM (e.g 'espg:32631' for the tile TC31J (France)).
- Polygon of the Area of Interest : shapefile that we be used to cropping the images with respect to your study zone.
Folder where Orfeo Toolbox is installed
Path to save the output GEOTIFFS images
The tile is cropped with respect to the extent of a given shapefile (script, with Haute-Garonne as example in the variable mask_data) :
- mask_R10_crop.tif : Binary cloud masks at 10 meters (int16)
- mask_R20_crop.tif : Binary cloud masks at 20 meters (int16)
- GFstack_X_crop.tif : Gap filled images with a given band X at 10 meters using linear interpolation (OTB) (float32)
- GFstack_SI_X_crop.tif : Gap filled images with a given band X at 20 meters, superimposed at 10 meters, using linear interpolation (OTB) (float32)
- Class_ID_crop.tif : ID of the class from the training dataset to predict for supervised task (script (int16)
- Object_ID_crop.tif : ID of the objects from the training dataset (int16)
- dates.csv : Csv file with acquisition dates that corresponds to the time index of each .tif image (except Class_ID and Objects_ID)