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Releases: jacob-shuman/node-itunes-search


26 Sep 17:32
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❓ What's Changed

v3.0.0 adds some quality of life updates to documentation, auto publishing, and search/lookup options.

  • 🔧 added a github action workflow (publish.yml) to automate publishing upon changes to package.json (tests are run prior to publishing.
  • ✨ add search options based on updated itunes documentation (callback, attributes, etc). Type hints should work much better for search media/entity/attribute (ie movie entity will show type hints for movie attributes and vice versa). If you know of values for attribute, entity, etc you can use the override key to force unknown values and disregard type safety for known values.
  • ✨ search and lookup functions were cleaned up and are a bit more readable and predictable.
  • ✨ search and lookup options allow unknown keys without the need for an extras key. If you need to use values outside of whats used in the search/lookup option objects (e.g. if you need to use an entity not in the ItunesEntity type) you can set them in with the override?: Record<string, string | string[]>; key.
  • ✨ export missing types from module.
  • 🔧 ItunesResult.collectionName is now possibly undefined as it should have originally been.
  • 🔧 entities and attributes have individual types for each entity but also umbrella types for all of them (ItunesEntities & ItunesAttributes).
  • 📦 bundle size should be reduced after adding a few options to the tsup build command.
  • 📝 add jsdoc comments to all major types (more are coming in a patch ✨).
  • 🔧 fix failing test errors.
  • 📝 fix README examples and a few grammatical issues.

Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v3.0.0


23 Sep 03:58
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❓ What's Changed

This package was built years ago when I didn't have as much of an understanding about nodejs, esm, commonjs, typescript, etc. These changes include all of the best practices and knowledge I have accumulated in the years since publishing v1.2.3.

  • 📦 there are 0 dependencies (goodbye phin 🫡).
  • 📦 the minimum version of node is 18 since phin was replaced with nodes builtin fetch (added in v18).
  • 📦 node-itunes-search was uploaded to JSR as @nullbitme/search-itunes ✨.
  • 🔧 added a github action workflow (publish.yml) to automate publishing upon changes to package.json.
  • 🔧 master branch was renamed to main.
  • 📝 the README was completely redesigned and removed excessive documentation (ill add jsdoc comments in the next release).
  • 🧪 Jest was replaced with Vitest and lookup tests were added from the search api docs.
  • ✨ Classes were replaced with simple search/lookup objects when calling the searchItunes and lookupItunes functions.
  • tsc was replaced with tsup (a fantastically simple no-config esbuild bundler).
  • 🧹 removed old configs that aren't used anymore (travis, jest, etc).
  • 🧹 build was renamed to dist and is now ignored by git.

⬇️ Pull requests

Full Changelog: v1.2.3...v2.0.0


18 Mar 18:32
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  • This release helps patch a known issue (#10).
  • Fixed some test cases with an invalid id.


All credit for the fix, a detailed explanation, and a massive thank you ❤️ goes to @micahjon for the fix!