A Rails plugin to make adding Plaid Link integrations super easy. The plugin aims to remove some of the boilerplate and prioritize configuration-over-code. It also encapsulates the plaid-ruby library for use throughout your application.
Plaid is the API for banking data.
Plaid API documentation
If you're attempting to use Stripe ACH with Plaid Link you'll need to get the 1.0.0.beta
version of the gem which supports the latest version of the Plaid Ruby Library
Add this line to your Rails application's Gemfile:
gem 'argyle'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Create an initializer named argyle.rb
in your config/initializers/
It should look like this:
Argyle.configure do |config|
config.key = 'test_key' # Public key from Plaid
config.secret = "test_secret" # Secret from Plaid
config.customer_id = "test_id" # Client ID from Plaid
You may also optionally configure the following:
config.env = "production" # defaults to 'tartan' (Plaid's test environment)
config.product = "connect" # defaults to 'auth'
The plaid_link
helper takes the following options:
:name => required # name of the customer used in Plaid Link flow
:action => required # form action that will be called on successful authentication
:id => 'plaidForm' # HTML id of the form
:env => 'tartan' # overrides Argyle.configuration.env
:product => 'auth' # overrides Arygle.configuration.product
:webhook => optional # optionally set a webhook for a user
:token => optional # optionally use an existing token
:data => optional # optionally set a data attribute. Example: `:data => { :longtail => true }`
Simply place the helper in any of your views to add the Plaid button:
<%= plaid_link(:name => 'Tony Soprano', :action => my_callback_path) %>
Argyle ships with an application controller that takes care of the Plaid token exchange and quickly gives you access to a Plaid user and access token. You can choose to use this controller to scaffold your Plaid Link callback by simply extending it, like so:
class MyPersonalCallBack < Argyle::CallbackController
Inside your controller you now have access to the following methods:
- the raw access token for the authenticated user. You'll most likely want to store this in the DB.
- an instance of a Plaid User (as defined in plaid-ruby)
Since we make use of the Plaid client within Argyle, it is also exposed for your use if you need to make calls to the Plaid API. Argyle.plaid_client
returns an instance of Plaid from plaid-ruby
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/jcbarry/argyle. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.