how to use the xyz coords to move the mower with the sabertooth
- how to make the MPU6050 dictate where the mower goes
make perfect 90 turns
[fixed] Getting the two nanos to talk to each other to use the z coordnates to keep the mower straight
- nano to sabertooth2x12 use TX -> S1, use serial port RX,TX for MPU6050
- make a web server to see the mower move in real time
- Get a remote comtorller path where you want it to go completely, collect that data, insert that data to the microcontrollers
- Pro : the data is easy to obtain
- Con : using the data to make the mower go to those points, how do you collect the data
- article about sending floats over I2C https://medium.com/@sandhan.sarma/sending-floats-over-i2c-between-arduinos-part-1-4e333d8ca578
- transfer float over I2C : https://www.hobbytronics.co.uk/arduino-float-vars
- issue with using nano clone with pi zero:(nano uses the /dev/ttyUSB* port, arduino uses /dev/ttyACM*) resources that helped fix it : https://marksbench.com/electronics/getting-clone-3rd-party-arduino-32u4-boards-working-on-the-raspberry-pi-linux/
- video on excuting .ino with pi in terminal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAM2S27FWAI&list=LL&index=3&t=630s
- flashing a third party nano with an arduino uno https://support.arduino.cc/hc/en-us/articles/360012048100-How-to-burn-the-bootloader-in-an-Arduino-Nano-using-an-Arduino-UNO
-Finding angle between two points https://www.cuemath.com/geometry/angle-between-vectors/