The Objective of the project is to implement a version of two-pass SIC/XE assembler: Pass 1 and Pass 2. The Assembler we implemented includes all the SIC/XE instructions and supports all four formats 1, 2, 3, 4, addressing modes and program relocation. It also supports all the machine independent features-
- Literals
- Symbol Defining Statements
- Expressions
- Program Blocks
- Control Sections and Program Linking
Input to assembler- Assembler source program using the instruction set of SIC/XE. Output- Assembler will generate the following files as output-
- Pass 1 will generate a Symbol Table.
- Pass 1 will also generate Intermediate File for the Pass 2.
- Pass 2 will generate a listing file containing the input assembly code and address, block number, object code of each instruction.
- Pass 2 will also generate an object program including following type of record: H, D, R, T, M and E types.
- An error file is also generated displaying the errors in the assembly program (if any).
- A file including symbol table,literal table and table for External definition and External reference is also generated.
Steps to compile and run the program:- script using command ./ 2.It will generate an object file named assembler.out in the current directory ,move the assembler.out in the INPUT folder. to INPUT folder and run assembler.out file using ./assembler.out. 4.type the input file name to generate the object file.