Welcome to Rales Engine, a JSON API designed to expose endpoints for customers, merchants, items, invoices, invoice items and transactions.
This project was completed in 7 days as a requirement for Module 3.
The project was built using Rails which implements the following:
- Object oriented programming principles.
- Test Driven Development - TDD.
- Advanced database queries and calculations using ActiveRecord.
- FactoryBot to create objects for efficient testing.
- Rails 5.x
- ActiveRecord - PostgreSQL.
- FactoryBot
- RSpec
- ShouldaMatchers
- Simplecov
- Pry
1. Clone the GitHub repository.
2. cd rales_engine
3. Run bundle install.
4. Run rails import:sales_engine. This may take a few minutes to execute.
1. Run rspec.
2. To run a single test, example: rspec ./spec/requests/api/v1/customers_request_spec.rb:25
3. The above example can be edited to run spec folders and files.
1. From the rales_engine folder, run Rails s.
2. Clone the GitHub repository: https://github.com/turingschool/rales_engine_spec_harness
3. cd rales_engine_spec_harness
4. Run bundle install
5. Run bundle exec rake