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public-release committed Nov 21, 2024
1 parent 61329d3 commit e30d144
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Showing 89 changed files with 2,702 additions and 533 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,16 +22,14 @@ let balance ~n nodes =
| _ when Nonempty_list.length chunks > n -> chunks ~f:loop |> loop
| _ -> Node ( chunks ~f:loop)
match loop nodes with
| Leaf _ as single -> Nonempty_list.singleton single
| Node ls -> ls
loop nodes

let balance ~n list =
match Nonempty_list.of_list list with
| None -> Or_error.error_string "expand_letn: list of bindings must be non-empty"
| Some _ when n <= 0 -> Or_error.error_string "expand_letn: n must be positive"
| Some [ singleton ] when n = 1 -> Ok (Nonempty_list.singleton (Leaf singleton))
| Some [ singleton ] when n = 1 -> Ok (Leaf singleton)
| Some _ when n = 1 ->
"expand_letn: n may only be 1 if the length of the input list is exactly 1"
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ type 'a t = private
- the length of the list is < 1, or
- n <= 0, or
- n = 1, and the length of the list is not exactly 1 *)
val balance : n:int -> 'a list -> 'a t Nonempty_list.t Or_error.t
val balance : n:int -> 'a list -> 'a t Or_error.t
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions balance_list_tree/src/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
(name balance_list_tree)
(public_name bonsai.balance_list_tree)
(libraries core core_kernel.nonempty_list)
(pps ppx_jane)))
142 changes: 142 additions & 0 deletions balance_list_tree/test/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
open Core
open Balance_list_tree

let test ~n ~list_len =
let list = List.init list_len in
match balance ~n list with
| Error error -> print_s [%message (error : Error.t)]
| Ok result -> print_s [%sexp (result : int t)]

let%expect_test "special case of ~n=1, list_len=1" =
test ~n:1 ~list_len:1;
[%expect {| (Leaf 0) |}]

let%expect_test "basic behavior" =
test ~n:2 ~list_len:5;
((Node ((Node ((Leaf 0) (Leaf 1))) (Node ((Leaf 2) (Leaf 3))))) (Leaf 4)))
test ~n:5 ~list_len:20;
((Node ((Leaf 0) (Leaf 1) (Leaf 2) (Leaf 3) (Leaf 4)))
(Node ((Leaf 5) (Leaf 6) (Leaf 7) (Leaf 8) (Leaf 9)))
(Node ((Leaf 10) (Leaf 11) (Leaf 12) (Leaf 13) (Leaf 14)))
(Node ((Leaf 15) (Leaf 16) (Leaf 17) (Leaf 18) (Leaf 19)))))

let%expect_test "(mod n list_len = mod n (-1))" =
test ~n:2 ~list_len:16;
((Node ((Node ((Leaf 0) (Leaf 1))) (Node ((Leaf 2) (Leaf 3)))))
(Node ((Node ((Leaf 4) (Leaf 5))) (Node ((Leaf 6) (Leaf 7)))))))
((Node ((Node ((Leaf 8) (Leaf 9))) (Node ((Leaf 10) (Leaf 11)))))
(Node ((Node ((Leaf 12) (Leaf 13))) (Node ((Leaf 14) (Leaf 15)))))))))
test ~n:3 ~list_len:5;
[%expect {| (Node ((Node ((Leaf 0) (Leaf 1) (Leaf 2))) (Node ((Leaf 3) (Leaf 4))))) |}];
test ~n:3 ~list_len:11;
((Node ((Leaf 0) (Leaf 1) (Leaf 2))) (Node ((Leaf 3) (Leaf 4) (Leaf 5)))
(Node ((Leaf 6) (Leaf 7) (Leaf 8)))))
(Node ((Leaf 9) (Leaf 10)))))
test ~n:7 ~list_len:13;
((Node ((Leaf 0) (Leaf 1) (Leaf 2) (Leaf 3) (Leaf 4) (Leaf 5) (Leaf 6)))
(Node ((Leaf 7) (Leaf 8) (Leaf 9) (Leaf 10) (Leaf 11) (Leaf 12)))))
test ~n:5 ~list_len:19;
((Node ((Leaf 0) (Leaf 1) (Leaf 2) (Leaf 3) (Leaf 4)))
(Node ((Leaf 5) (Leaf 6) (Leaf 7) (Leaf 8) (Leaf 9)))
(Node ((Leaf 10) (Leaf 11) (Leaf 12) (Leaf 13) (Leaf 14)))
(Node ((Leaf 15) (Leaf 16) (Leaf 17) (Leaf 18)))))

let%expect_test "errors" =
test ~n:(-1) ~list_len:5;
[%expect {| (error "expand_letn: n must be positive") |}];
test ~n:0 ~list_len:5;
[%expect {| (error "expand_letn: n must be positive") |}];
test ~n:5 ~list_len:0;
[%expect {| (error "expand_letn: list of bindings must be non-empty") |}]

let%expect_test "regression" =
test ~n:7 ~list_len:50;
((Node ((Leaf 0) (Leaf 1) (Leaf 2) (Leaf 3) (Leaf 4) (Leaf 5) (Leaf 6)))
((Leaf 7) (Leaf 8) (Leaf 9) (Leaf 10) (Leaf 11) (Leaf 12) (Leaf 13)))
((Leaf 14) (Leaf 15) (Leaf 16) (Leaf 17) (Leaf 18) (Leaf 19) (Leaf 20)))
((Leaf 21) (Leaf 22) (Leaf 23) (Leaf 24) (Leaf 25) (Leaf 26) (Leaf 27)))
((Leaf 28) (Leaf 29) (Leaf 30) (Leaf 31) (Leaf 32) (Leaf 33) (Leaf 34)))
((Leaf 35) (Leaf 36) (Leaf 37) (Leaf 38) (Leaf 39) (Leaf 40) (Leaf 41)))
((Leaf 42) (Leaf 43) (Leaf 44) (Leaf 45) (Leaf 46) (Leaf 47) (Leaf 48)))))
(Leaf 49)))

let%quick_test "balancer is balanced, doesn't have more than `n` children per node, and \
has all leaves exactly once. Also, leaves preserve order. "
fun (n : (int[@generator Int.gen_uniform_incl 0 15]))
(list_len : (int[@generator Int.gen_uniform_incl 0 1_000])) ->
let list = List.init list_len in
match balance ~n list, n, list with
| Error _, _, [] | Error _, 0, _ -> ()
| Error _, 1, ls when List.length ls > 1 -> ()
| Error err, _, _ ->
[%message "Balancer errored" (err : Error.t) (n : int) (List.length list : int)]
| Ok balanced, _, _ ->
let last_visited_leaf = ref (-1) in
let rec traverse ~depth = function
| Leaf v ->
assert (v = !last_visited_leaf + 1);
last_visited_leaf := v
| Node children ->
(match children with
| [ Leaf _ ] -> raise_s [%message "Found an unflattened node!"]
| _ -> ());
assert (Nonempty_list.length children <= n);
Nonempty_list.fold children ~init:`Seen_no_leaves ~f:(fun acc child ->
traverse ~depth:(depth + 1) child;
match acc, child with
| `Seen_no_leaves, Node _ -> `Seen_no_leaves
| `Seen_no_leaves, Leaf _ -> `Seen_leaves
| `Seen_leaves, Node _ -> failwith "All nodes must be before all leaves"
| `Seen_leaves, Leaf _ -> `Seen_leaves)
|> Fn.ignore
traverse ~depth:0 balanced;
assert (List.length list = !last_visited_leaf + 1);
[%expect {| |}]
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions balance_list_tree/test/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
(name balance_list_tree_test)
(libraries balance_list_tree core patdiff.expect_test_patdiff
(pps ppx_jane ppx_expect ppx_bonsai ppxlib.metaquot ppx_quick_test)))
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion bonsai.opam
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ depends: [
Expand All @@ -26,7 +27,6 @@ depends: [
"dune" {>= "3.11.0"}
"ppxlib" {>= "0.33.0"}
available: arch != "arm32" & arch != "x86_32"
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions ppx_bonsai/src/expander/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
(name ppx_bonsai_expander)
(public_name bonsai.ppx_bonsai_expander)
(libraries core core_kernel.nonempty_list ppxlib ppxlib_jane
ppx_let.expander ppx_pattern_bind ppx_here.expander)
(libraries balance_list_tree core core_kernel.nonempty_list
ppx_here.expander ppx_let.expander ppx_pattern_bind ppxlib ppxlib_jane)
(pps ppxlib.metaquot ppx_jane)))
60 changes: 36 additions & 24 deletions ppx_bonsai/src/expander/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -89,9 +89,13 @@ let sub (location_behavior : Location_behavior.t) : (module Ext) =
~f:(fun expr { txt = binding; loc } ->
~f:(fun expr { txt = binding; loc = _ } ->
{ loc_start = lhs.ppat_loc.loc_start
; loc_end = body.pexp_loc.loc_end
; loc_ghost = true
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -154,13 +158,16 @@ let sub (location_behavior : Location_behavior.t) : (module Ext) =

let expand_match ~loc ~modul ~locality expr =
let expr =
match expr.pexp_desc with
| Pexp_tuple expressions ->
~loc:{ expr.pexp_loc with loc_ghost = true }
match Ppxlib_jane.Shim.Expression_desc.of_parsetree ~loc expr.pexp_desc with
| Pexp_tuple labeled_expressions ->
(match Ppxlib_jane.as_unlabeled_tuple labeled_expressions with
| Some expressions ->
~loc:{ expr.pexp_loc with loc_ghost = true }
| None -> expr)
| _ -> expr
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -238,20 +245,20 @@ let arr (location_behavior : Location_behavior.t) : (module Ext) =
match acc with
| true -> true
| false ->
(match Ppxlib_jane.Jane_syntax.Pattern.of_ast pattern with
| Some (Jpat_tuple (_tuple, Open), _attrs) -> true
| _ ->
(match Ppxlib_jane.Shim.Pattern_desc.of_parsetree pattern.ppat_desc with
(* let (_ as a) = x in ... *)
| Ppat_alias (_, _) -> false
| Ppat_any
(* let { a ; b ; _ } = x in ... *)
| Ppat_record (_, Open)
(* let { a = (module _) ; b } = x in ... *)
| Ppat_unpack { txt = None; _ } -> true
| Ppat_record (_, Closed) | Ppat_unpack { txt = Some _; _ } ->
super#pattern pattern acc
| _ -> super#pattern pattern acc))
(match Ppxlib_jane.Shim.Pattern_desc.of_parsetree pattern.ppat_desc with
(* let (_ as a) = x in ... *)
| Ppat_alias (_, _) -> false
| Ppat_any
(* let { a ; b ; _ } = x in ... *)
| Ppat_record (_, Open)
(* let ~a, .. = x in ... *)
| Ppat_tuple (_, Open)
(* let { a = (module _) ; b } = x in ... *)
| Ppat_unpack { txt = None; _ } -> true
| Ppat_record (_, Closed)
| Ppat_tuple (_, Closed)
| Ppat_unpack { txt = Some _; _ } -> super#pattern pattern acc
| _ -> super#pattern pattern acc)
ignore_finder#pattern pattern false
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -478,7 +485,12 @@ let arr (location_behavior : Location_behavior.t) : (module Ext) =
match Balance_list_tree.balance ~n ppx_bindings with
| Error err -> invalid_arg (Error.to_string_hum err)
| Ok subtrees ->
| Ok balanced ->
let subtrees =
match balanced with
| Balance_list_tree.Leaf _ -> Nonempty_list.singleton balanced
| Node xs -> xs
let exps, pats = subtrees ~f:loop |> Nonempty_list.unzip in
let f_exp = build_multiarg_fun ~args:pats ~body:ppx_body in
build_application exps ~f_exp ~op_name:"arr"
Expand Down
Empty file.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
#print_line_numbers true

open! Bonsai
open Bonsai.Let_syntax

(* This test file is a regression test for a bug where the errors from the match
arms of a match%sub were instead reported at the start of the match%sub which results
in confusing type error messages! *)

type t =
| A of int
| B of int
| C of t list

let _component t (local_ _graph) =
match%sub t with
| A x ->
let%arr x in
| B x ->
let%arr x in
| C l ->
let%arr l in
let _ = l in
Bonsai.return 1.0

Line 23, characters 4-66:
Error: This expression has type float Bonsai.t Bonsai.t
but an expression was expected of type int Bonsai.t
Type float Bonsai.t is not compatible with type int

let _more_basic_component t (local_ _graph) =
match%sub Bonsai.return false with
| false ->
(* An int! *)
Bonsai.return 1
| true ->
(* A float! *)
Bonsai.return 1.0

(* This one is fine! *)

Line 44, characters 4-21:
Error: This expression has type float Bonsai.t
but an expression was expected of type int Bonsai.t
Type float is not compatible with type int

let _more_basic_component t (local_ _graph) =
match%sub Bonsai.return false with
| false ->
(* An int! *)
Bonsai.return 1
| true ->
(* A float! *)
Bonsai.return (Bonsai.return 1)

(* This one is also fine! (error points to a useful location) *)
Line 64, characters 4-35:
Error: This expression has type int Bonsai.t Bonsai.t
but an expression was expected of type int Bonsai.t
Type int Bonsai.t is not compatible with type int

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