A docker image that binds a transmission-daemon to the ovpn tunnel ip address after initializing a ovpn connection. When the openvpn connection shuts down, transmission can't access the outside network. It will also gracefully shut down (and restart) transmission when openvpn exits.
It's heavily inspired by haugene/docker-transmission-openvpn but without all the complexity. What this image does is easily to understand, although it is not that convenient to use and doesn't offer all the configuration options.
I also created janstuemmel/docker-deluge-ovpn, this image takes a different approach by setting up a ufw firewall that blocks connection to the ouside network except openvpn.
Create a folder e.g. ./ovpn
with all your .ovpn config files or just one. This image will select one randomly.
For username/password authentication, see command
section in the docker-compsoe.yml
version: 3
image: janstuemmel/transmission-ovpn
- net_admin
- /dev/net/tun
# you can append args to openvpn
# maybe you need username/password
# authentication, add a file next
# to your ovpn config files
# this will override the arguments
# defined in the ovpn file
command: --auth-user-pass auth.txt
# Set the transmission peer port
# because it is not editable via
# a remote client, useful when
# your vpn provider supports
# static port forwarding
# enable basic auth for transmission
# set a username
# set a password
# specify a single ovpn config
# instead of choosing one randomly
- OVPN_CONIFG=myconf.ovpn
# mount your *ovpn files into the
# container, this is REQUIRED
- ./ovpn:/ovpn
# mount your downloads folder
- ./downloads:/downloads
# transmission clients can connect
# to this port
- 9091:9091