This repo contains the .NET Core runtime optimized for AOT compilation
| |Ubuntu 14.04 |Windows |Mac OS X | |---------|:------:|:------:|:------:|:------:|:-------:|:-------:| |Debug|||| |Release||||
Some of the best ways to contribute are to try things out, file bugs, and join in design conversations. Want to get more familiar with what's going on in the code? Take a look at the active pull-requests.
Looking for something to work on? The active issues (Issue Guide) are a great place to start or take a look at our documentation. You are also encouraged to start a discussion by filing an issue or creating a gist.
You can discuss .NET OSS more generally in the .NET Foundation forums.
Daily builds of CoreRT will be published to a package feed in near future.
The CoreRT Repo is licensed under the MIT license.
CoreRT is a .NET Foundation project.
There are many .NET related projects on GitHub.
- The .NET home repo links to 100s of .NET projects, from Microsoft and the community.
- The .NET Core repo links to .NET Core related projects from Microsoft.
- The ASP.NET home repo is the best place to start learning about ASP.NET 5.
- is a good place to discover .NET Foundation projects.