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Constant time verification

Parmida Javadian edited this page Aug 22, 2024 · 3 revisions

Constant-time programming

A program is said to be constant-time when neither the control-flow (in particular conditions of if-then-else blocks and while loops) nor the memory accesses (the memory addresses that are read or written) depend on sensitive data (aka secrets).

Verification methodology

The adversary power (what can be observed through side-channel attacks) is described through a program instrumentation: a global variable leakages accumulates the data that may leak to the adversary. The goal is then to prove that when executing the instrumented program, the final value of the leakages variable does not contain any sensitive information Constant-time is a non-interference property; it can be stated as follows: when executing the program twice with the same public inputs (but private inputs may differ), the leaked data is the same. Initial states that agree on public inputs are often said to be low-equivalent.

The EasyCrypt proof assistant is usually powerful enough to automatically prove the constant-time property. Moreover, it can be used to infer a correct precondition (and hopefully weak), i.e., what inputs must be public for the constant-time property to hold.

In a nutshell, the proof that a Jasmin program is constant-time can be done in the following steps:

  1. Ensure that the program is safe
  2. Extract to EasyCrypt with explicit leakage
  3. State the non-interference property
  4. Prove the theorem


To illustrate the methodology, let’s consider a reference implementation of the Gimli permutation (to be found in compiler/examples/gimli/gimli.jazz):

fn rotate (reg u32 x, inline int bits) -> reg u32 {
  _, _, x = #ROL_32(x, bits);
  return x;

fn gimli(reg u64 state) {
  inline int round column;
  reg u32 x y z a b c;

  for round = 24 downto 0 {
    for column = 0 to 4 {
      x = (u32)[state + 4 * column];
      x = rotate(x, 24);
      y = (u32)[state + 4 * (4 + column)];
      y = rotate(y, 9);
      z = (u32)[state + 4 * (8 + column)];

      a = x;
      b = z; b <<= 1;
      c = y; c &= z; c <<= 2;
      a ^= b; a ^= c;

      (u32)[state + 4 * (8 + column)] = a;

      a = y;
      b = x; b |= z; b <<= 1;
      a ^= x; a ^= b;

      (u32)[state + 4 * (4 + column)] = a;

      a = z;
      b = x; b &= y; b <<= 3;
      a ^= y; a ^= b;

      (u32)[state + 4 * column] = a;

    if (round % 4) == 0 { // small swap: pattern s...s...s... etc.
      x = (u32)[state + 4 * 0];
      y = (u32)[state + 4 * 1];
      (u32)[state + 4 * 0] = y;
      (u32)[state + 4 * 1] = x;

      x = (u32)[state + 4 * 2];
      y = (u32)[state + 4 * 3];
      (u32)[state + 4 * 2] = y;
      (u32)[state + 4 * 3] = x;

    if (round % 4) == 2 { // big swap: pattern ..S...S...S. etc.
      x = (u32)[state + 4 * 0];
      y = (u32)[state + 4 * 2];
      (u32)[state + 4 * 0] = y;
      (u32)[state + 4 * 2] = x;

      x = (u32)[state + 4 * 1];
      y = (u32)[state + 4 * 3];
      (u32)[state + 4 * 1] = y;
      (u32)[state + 4 * 3] = x;

    if (round % 4) == 0 { // add constant: pattern c...c...c... etc.
      (u32)[state + 4 * 0] ^= 0x9e377900 + round;

This program is safe, as long as the state argument points to a valid memory region of at least 48 bytes, aligned for 32-bit accesses. This is automatically proved by the safety checker, called as follows:

jasminc -checksafety gimli.jazz

The EasyCrypt model for constant-time verification can be obtained by calling the compiler as follows:

jasminc -CT -ec gimli -oec gimli.jazz

This produces an EasyCrypt file that looks like what follows.

module M = {
  var leakages : leakages_t

  proc rotate (x:W32.t, bits:int) : W32.t = {
    (* … *)

  proc gimli (state:W64.t) : unit = {
    (* … *)
    var round:int;

    leakages <- LeakFor(0,24) :: LeakAddr([]) :: leakages;
    round <- 0;
    (* … *)
    return ();

There is a module M with its variable leakages and a model of each function. Each operation that may leak some data has been instrumented to update that variable, as can be seen at the beginning of the gimli function whose first instruction is a for loop.

Now the constant-time property of the gimli function can be (manually) stated. In a fresh file, the generated Gimli_ct module is first required, and the property stated using pRHL as follows. Notice the (wrong) first attempt.

require Gimli_ct.

(* Shorten the variable names *)
import var Gimli_ct.M.

(* Wrong statement; the interactive proof script can be used to infer a sufficient pre-condition *)
equiv gimli_ct :
  Gimli_ct.M.gimli ~ Gimli_ct.M.gimli :
 true ==> ={leakages}.
proof. proc; inline *; sim. abort.

(* Correct statetement, trivial proof script. *)
equiv gimli_ct :
  Gimli_ct.M.gimli ~ Gimli_ct.M.gimli :
  ={leakages, state} ==> ={leakages}.
proof. proc; inline *; sim. qed.

The final (proved) statement says that if the leaked data can only be influenced by the address initially given through the state argument (and by nothing else, in particular the actual state — what is stored at the state address — has no influence on the leakage).

SCT-checker annotations

The SCT-checker accepts “sct” annotation for functions. The value of this annotation is a security signature for the function. Said signature gives the security type of each argument and returned value.

A security level is made of two components: one for normal, correctly speculated executions (this component is labelled with “normal” or “n”); the other component for mis-speculated executions (it is labelled with “speculative” or “s”). Each component is one of:

  • “public”
  • “secret”
  • an arbitrary identifier

There are a few notational shortcuts:

  • “transient” denotes the level { normal: public, speculative: secret }
  • a lone component x denotes the pair { n: x, s: x }

A type for non-ptr variables is just a level or the special name “msf”. A type for a ptr variable is made of two levels: one for the value (i.e., the array), the other one for the reference (aka the pointer) which may become transient when unspilled from memory.

The msf type qualifies values that are public in all executions (i.e., {n: public, s: public}) and correctly reflect the mis-speculation state of the micro-architecture.