Releases: jasongrieves/tadpole
Games Shortcut Preview + bug fixes
New Feature
- Preview your Game Shortcut Icons before you confirm them
Bug Fix - Support firmware that has been patched for the power level fix (thanks doggyworld and Dteyn
Change Game shortcut Icons on main screen!
This was a feature I've been wanting since starting Tadpole! Works with your current theme and replaces the shortcut icons. This needs to be done along with setting the game shortcut on the main viewer.
I've got some UI polish to add, but this was a tough one for me. Used Open AI to help me with converting the files and thanks as always to @vonmillhausen and @Zerter who had tools to help me get there.
I've got more testing to do but too tired tonight, but I wanted to share with folks who want to try it. If anything goes wrong, you should be able to just ovewrite with your favorite theme.
Fixed bug of merging a single zip and a single thumbnail in thumbanil viewer
v0.3.9.beta11 fix converting single zip thumbnail viewer
Overwrite .ZBB thumbnails + Bug fixes
- Tadpole can overwrite ALL your current thumbnails for .Z** files.
- Improved progress indicators when things are some actions are taking a while to complete. They are not well implemented but I'm still too shy to add proper threading to make this better.
- UI Settings updated to enable overwriting. This is ON by default which feels nice to me as stock thumbnails aren't great, but maybe it should be off by default.
- Sorted listed with python built-in sorting. Its not perfect but much better.
Bug fixes
- Fixed boot loader images downloading
- Fixed downloading of themes and music. Regressed by me do to string changes :(
Known issues - Reports of crashing while adding ROMS. I still can't reproduce this. I added a bit more protection, but not sure why its crashing for some people
Upload of thumbnails via local folder for ZIP's
Enables you to upload a folder of images that are matched to your ZIP's. This worked great with..
- Skraper
- Full Height custom mix ( (Thanks @von Millhausen)
- Use Add Thubmnails.. (make sure your setting is to upload, which is the default)
Battery level fix + Improved icons in game shortcut icons
New features
- Download and patch the battery level fix from Firmware menu (thanks Dteyn!)
- Delete multiple ROMs by selecting the top header OR using mouse and control key
- Pick folder for where you want backup saves
- Automatically look for game shortcut icons before you change them manually (Thanks Glas for asking for saving favorites; I hope this helps in its stead)
- Improved icon resizing/bordering (Thanks doggyworld)
- Started logging to try to find crashes
Breaking changes
- Moved settings and logging to a new folder. It will be on the root of your SD in "Tadpole". This means if you've been testing, you'll get the first run experience
Bug fixes
- Cleaned up strings
- Added a dialog making sure user knows changing theme will blast any icons they have set
- Fixed a crash I found
Battery Fix included
New Feature
-Thanks to the entire community for finding this fix, and especially @Dteyn for his code and support you can add the battery fix to improve battery reporting levels and popping of the low battery warning. This also integrates into the other firmware features, so if you are on the latest firmware you can patch, otherwise you need to update
Bug Fix
-Pop a dialog when setting themes to let you know you are going to be overwriting game shortcuts