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MacOS Dotfiles. Maintaining your machines config in git is 🔥. Using Stow to handle the dotfiles is 🔥🔥. Utilizing Brew, Prezto, and Mise.

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Repository files navigation

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 aws          > amazon is taking over the world
 bin          > custom bin scripts
 brew         > homebrew all the things
 config       > for the noble apps using .config
 dictionary   > extend the macos dictionary
 git          > global git config and aliases
 iterm2       > iterm2 scripts
 mise         > mise for maintaining language versions
 ssh          > ssh config
 tmux         > tmux config
 ubersicht    > ubersicht widgets
 vim          > vim configs
 zprezto      > framework for Zsh 
 zsh          > shell configuration 🔥🔥



/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"


Setup your SSH key

ssh-keygen -t ed25519

# this copies the new public key to your clipboard
cat ~/.ssh/ | pbcopy

Add your SSH key to GitHub

@TODO add section re: decrypting gpg files


GNU stow, or just stow, manages symbolic links from your dotfiles directory to the home directory. To get stow on MacOS, use homebrew.

brew install stow

We are utilizing the --dotfiles flag. This allows us to have folders with dot-example that will convert to .example. The following is from the stow manpage.


   Enable special handling for "dotfiles" (files or folders whose name
   begins with a period) in the package directory. If this option is
   enabled, Stow will add a preprocessing step for each file or folder
   whose name begins with "dot-", and replace the "dot-" prefix in the
   name by a period (.). This is useful when Stow is used to manage
   collections of dotfiles, to avoid having a package directory full of
   hidden files.

   For example, suppose we have a package containing two files,
   stow/dot-bashrc and stow/dot-emacs.d/init.el. With this option, Stow
   will create symlinks from .bashrc to stow/dot-bashrc and from
   .emacs.d/init.el to stow/dot-emacs.d/init.el. Any other files, whose
   name does not begin with "dot-", will be processed as usual.

Checkout this article for a more detailed explanation on using stow


The ~/.zshrc imports our main entrypoint.

source "${HOME}/.zsh/_main.zsh"

The ~/.zsh/_main.zsh file globs all zsh files in the zsh/dot-zsh/*.zsh directory and loads them.

All file ending in *.zsh in the ~/.zsh directory will be sourced.

Prezto — Instantly Awesome Zsh

Prezto is the chosen included zsh framework.

cd dotfiles

# The following is included in the setup script
git submodule update --init --recursive
stow -v -R --dotfiles zsh


The Brewfile

cd dotfiles
brew bundle


Ascii art generated using with big font


MacOS Dotfiles. Maintaining your machines config in git is 🔥. Using Stow to handle the dotfiles is 🔥🔥. Utilizing Brew, Prezto, and Mise.






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